Database Schema Planning

@Prabhav Khera @Ryan Lam @Kenneth Ruan @Rodrigo Tiscareno

January 26, 2023

Current State:

  • “Overhaul PR” contains the schema and data generation planned for the main table.

  • Kenneth’s Weather Data is yet to be incorporated as an extension to this table, but the data is produced in a Pandas DataFrame as it stands.

    • Kenneth has also added a “Checkpoint” field which can be used to call weather data for distanced segments of the race

What’s Next?

  • Incorporate Overhaul to main code base. (Ryan)

  • Establish database schema with current sample_route_step4.csv

  • Export new DataFrame to map Checkpoint ID to the weather data points.

    • Either create foreign table with PK or append effectively to general table. (Kenneth)


  • Consider loops.

    • Boolean loop field?

  • Create a live process of generating the weather data when entering the specific coordinates specified.

    • Requires ideation of scheduler, triggerer, and workers.

  • Test with Ring Road Simulation.

  • Celebrate


  • Scheduler, triggerer and workers.

  • Telemetry data, sunpower data, need to explore additional table creation for these.