Database Schema Planning
@Prabhav Khera @Ryan Lam @Kenneth Ruan @Rodrigo Tiscareno
January 26, 2023
Current State:
“Overhaul PR” contains the schema and data generation planned for the main table.
Kenneth’s Weather Data is yet to be incorporated as an extension to this table, but the data is produced in a Pandas DataFrame as it stands.
Kenneth has also added a “Checkpoint” field which can be used to call weather data for distanced segments of the race
What’s Next?
Incorporate Overhaul to main code base. (Ryan)
Establish database schema with current sample_route_step4.csv
Export new DataFrame to map Checkpoint ID to the weather data points.
Either create foreign table with PK or append effectively to general table. (Kenneth)
Consider loops.
Boolean loop field?
Create a live process of generating the weather data when entering the specific coordinates specified.
Requires ideation of scheduler, triggerer, and workers.
Test with Ring Road Simulation.
Scheduler, triggerer and workers.
Telemetry data, sunpower data, need to explore additional table creation for these.