Routemodel Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Project Summary

The Routemodel GUI would be an interactive dashboard that would display the route of ASC to a strategy person. Based in the main visualization dashboard, user would be able to interact with the dashboard, dragging different points, enabling stops, and modifying the route which would then output a new set of long/lat values that would be fed into our other models. This would allow real time updates to the route, adjustments that would have to be made in the event of a detour and allow us to physically see the expected times for different parts of the route.

Note: This is separate from the strategy dashboard. The purpose here is to have a highlighted map of the route


  • Have a functioning, interactive dashboard to display the upcoming ASC route.

  • Be able to make real-time updates to the route during race and use those route changes to modify the coordinates being fed into the strategy suite

  • Stretch goals (not sure if realistic) elevation highlights, weather overlay


  • The GUI should be interactive, allowing users to move the map and add pinpoints to change the route

  • Should take in an initial set of coordinates or start/end route points to highlight on the map


  • A list of all longitude/latitude values of the route from the current position onwards.

  • A visible map in the dashboard with the expected route highlighted
