Strategy Project Exploration

Strategy Project Exploration

Supplier Interfacing “Search Engine”
Supplier Interfacing, when requested by a sub-team to search for companies or suppliers that do something, whether it is machining (various types of machining such as CNC, waterjetting, etc.), sourcing materials (for sponsorship, discount, or possibly for free, etc.), the team needs to research companies on Google to find out what they might offer.

If the members are proficient with keyword searching in Google, they "may" be able to find items faster, or not need to spend so much time and 50+ pages of Google to find a company they can contact. Possibly, strategy can look into web-crawling to find companies that have these services in their tags, website, etc. and identify their contact information. (via Catherine)

  • Inputs: keywords, location (?) & radius

  • Features: webcrawling, reading website information

  • Output: list of websites

  • Checked in with Daphne Lai → no further comment

  • MVP: pop out a list of websites where the members can then find their contact information and contact the company.


Finance Dashboard

  • Budget-related → “at the moment I have to go to the google sheets we store the data, and take screenshots for each sub teams and manually enter them into powerpoint, this usually takes quite a bit of time.” (via Tyler)

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