AFE IC Information
16:1 mux for thermistors
allows for over 5 thermistor reading per module
to replace old one
requires 4-5 GPIO outputs for logic control pins 1 GPIO for in/output pin -can all be wired into P6
old mux has clock and other things is this necessary or only because it was using one line of communication for selection?
2 pcb thermistors → same
30 battery pack thermistors → 14
old communication:
to replace old one
in case we overload 5V reference from MCU
to replace old one
buffers output from thermistor multiplexor
To replace old one
Mosfets - basically the same thing
To replace old one
Old Invertor? - might not be needed if we dont have SCLK going to GPIO from mux… in stock
Voltage regulation - in stock but only 300
Isolator - in stock
No longer needed since we found old MCUs:
SPI to isolated SPI convertor
convert to isolated spi for communication with other boards
Sample Program - we need to sign up for an account
SPI interface
7-14 cell readings per chip → 4 modules per AFE board and (try to order 4 chips for sample)
Voltage, Temperature and Current sensing
9.6V - 63V Vpwr could be powered by the cells it is monitoring as long as we only monitor 3 modules/chip (3*4series*4.2max = 50.4V 4*4series*4.2max = 67.2V)
or we plan to power the AFEs externally?
5V at 5mA reference supply output
7GPIO pins