- Decide on battery box size
Two box design - 18 modules per box (36 modules total)
- Control boards (i.e Plutus, Chaos) will most likely be contained in one of the boxes
- Approximate Dimensions:
- 8 x 3 modules (extra 2 modules worth of space allocate for boards, wiring, etc.)
- 24" x 18" x 5" (L x W x H)
- *insert image of 3D model of battery box
- Need to determine electrical connection between modules (module must be easily removed/replaced)
- Initial proposal:
- Copper strips along string of cells
- Dimpled to maintained contact with cells
- Low expansion foam and/or plastic bolts to hold strips in place
- Copper bus bars to i) connect the strips ii) connect modules
- Multiple bus bars to improve cross-sectional area
- Need reliable contact along length of bus bars for both connection between strips and inter-module connections
- Possibly used flextures, springs to pre-load
- Copper strips along string of cells
Action items
- No future meeting date discussed
- Overall goal of having battery box prototyped by end of February, which includes designing:
- Connectors between modules
- Additional components (i.e boards, wiring, relays) in each box