Ritu: 1. Aesthetics: curved (seamless transitions with hood, to back), 2: Manufacturability, making it ergonomic design, 3: aerodynamics
Minghao: 1. Biased towards his own design because of manufacturability, aesthetics less important, 2: would really like if it can look like a real car on the road (more conservative designs)
Things to note:
Sharp corners may not be best aerodynamically
Spaceframe + panel decision may allow for curved vehicles to be made more successfully
Ability to manufacture curved panels in terms of composites:
Anything apart from perfectly flat would need a mould
Need to make fibre glass mould from foam mould
Avoid teardrop tail of MSXI (sharp corner) to improve manufacturability
Combine Devon and Minghao's designs
Flat side of vehicle
Keep sporty look
Avoid large curves, keep car as flat as possible
Want the design process to move faster
Matt to go ahead with CAD with the elements discussed today (basing off of Minghao's), by tuesday
Devon to come up with more sketches, by tuesday
Edward will read more into aerodynamics
Spaceframe and Welding
Ritu & Angela
Mild steel to give us flexibility
Professionally weld the major joints
To move into design:
Need mounting points
Where the suspension is going
To do:
Research into chassis design
Angela and Matt to sit down on Thursday to go over design
Suspension and Steering
Suggestion: look into simulink
Storing the source code of Devon's simulation: Git
Next steps:
Research into what to optimize suspension and steering to do
Devon will continue working with simulators and isolate key criteria
Will try to have key dimensions by end of week
Things for First Years
Brake pedal
Steering wheel
Accelerator pedal
Driver control & driver interface
Layup practise
Door handles
Should be looking at ways for first years to help us meet our goals for MSXII
Think about isolated parts
Also think about integrating new members to the larger systems
Devon to have 3-4 specific tasks (background, instructions, criteria, constraints) to be presented to first years at Thursday meeting
Go towards mentorship model
Maybe good project?: standardize and design good linkage between composites and spaceframe
ideally some sort of quick disconnect to be able to get underneath
vision: can strip all of panels from car and get a bare frame to work with