Item | Notes |
New DRI for driver controls |
Sponsorship from molex + others will be postponed |
More documentation |
Call candor on monday |
Look into other manufacturers |
Push for configuring python scripts for hardware validation |
Boards that will be sent out on Monday |
Boards that will be sent out after validation |
Boards that will be reviewed tomorrow |
Avoid using HV Battery and MCI relays form MS12 |
Digikey purchases will continue |
Create a page for board sendout |
Make Jira tickets and transfer of tasks | Micah Black we need to make more tasks that can be done of campus and MAKE SURE that we are documenting all the work thats being done on Jira so its much easier to manage |
Export a standard set of altium rules | Pei Liang Guo please export a good set of rules and make sure they follow this as well Checklist for Gerbers |
Big merge | Aashmika Mali we’re going to have to do a big merge soon oof |