Important Links / Documents
This page is a compilation of links to important business documents / files.
Business Management Sheet
Business calendar - outline of marketing post dates, 1-on-1s and more
Members tracker - all members are responsible for updating their information each term
Business lead responsibilities
Business Trello
Task manager for all ongoing Business tasks
Used during each check-in
Sponsorship Tracker
Tracks sponsor contact information + level of sponsorship they have provided
Tracks any corporate leads
Tracks endowment fund tasks and how much we request/receive each term
Sponsorship Package
Emailed to potential sponsors to provide them more background information about our team
Outlines sponsorship tiers as well
Supplier Interfacing Form
Used to submit requests to our SI team for material and service requests
Brand Book
Our single source of truth for upholding our public image
Finance Internal Book
Finance tracker for all team budget planning, income, and expenditures
To obtain access, please DM Tiffany Tran or Tyler Cheung over Slack