Adams (Automated Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical Systems) by MSC Software/Hexagon
Engineers can evaluate and manage the complex interactions between disciplines including motion, structures, actuation, and controls to better optimize product designs for performance, safety, and comfort.
Along with extensive analysis capabilities, Adams is optimized for large-scale problems, taking advantage of high performance computing environments.
Utilizing multibody dynamics solution technology, Adams runs nonlinear dynamics in a fraction of the time required by FEA solutions.
Loads and forces computed by Adams simulations improve the accuracy of FEA by providing better assessment of how they vary throughout a full range of motion and operating environments.
Student version of MSC Adams is free but a license is required for running extensions like Adams car, driven, tire etc.
Simulation software is free for ASC and WSC teams (application required)
Useful Adams Extensions
Adams Car
Analysis of suspension, steering and full-vehicle maneuvers
Easy integration of control systems into vehicle models
Creation or import of component geometry in wireframe or 3D solids
Extensive library of joints and constraints to define part connectivity
Model refinement with part flexibility, automatic control systems, joint friction and slip, hydraulic and pneumatic actuators, and parametric design relationships
Comprehensive linear and nonlinear results for complex, large-motion designs
Comprehensive and easy to use contact capabilities supporting 2D and 3D contact between any combination of modal flexible bodies and rigid body geometry
Adams Tire
Use with Adams Car, Adams Chassis, Adams Solver, or Adams View for adding tires to your mechanical model in order to simulate maneuvers such as braking, steering, acceleration, free-rolling, or skidding
Model the forces and torques that act on a tire as it moves over roadways or irregular terrain
Calculate the forces and moments that tires exert on a vehicle as a result of interaction between the tires and the road surface
Apply handling analyses to study vehicle dynamic responses to steering, braking, and throttle inputs
Apply ride and comfort analyses to assess the vehicle’s vibrations due to uneven roads with short wavelength obstacles, such as level crossings, grooves, or brick roads
Apply 3D contact analyses to generate road load histories and stress and fatigue studies that require component force and acceleration calculation
Adams Car Ride
Model and simulate the ride quality of ground vehicles
Create Adams Car assemblies of suspensions and full vehicles
Analyze model to understand their performance and behavior
Use modeling elements important for ride quality as in Adams Car models
Analyze the modeling elements independently from other systems using a modeling element test rig
Use four-post test rig to support a variety of time-domain analyses
Adams Smart Driver (strategy)
Bring a vehicle to its dynamic limits or near targets you define
Improve handling, durability, or ride performance of the vehicle model based on predicted performance Adams SmartDriver computes
Investigate system-level dynamics of the vehicle model, while requiring minimal setup
Calculate a limit (maximum performance) speed profile over the reference path
Check the speed profile using a fast, simplified vehicle model
Perform an analysis of vehicle states over the trajectory, searching for path locations that cannot be traveled with the current target speed during the full dynamic simulation
Calculate four additional limits using the parameters specified and theoretical limits of the vehicle
Creates a speed profile that brings the vehicle to both vehicle limits and user-defined ones
Adams Car Chassis (structures)
Simulate full vehicle events (such as steady state drift, throttle off in turn, and constant radius)
Simulate half vehicle events including dynamic load case and static vehicle characteristics
Use with Adams Insight to perform systematic experiments on vehicle model
Study the effect of multiple design variations
Optimize the design
Address the robustness issue
CarSim/SuspensionSim by Mechanical Simulation
CarSim is a software tool for simulating the dynamic behavior of passenger vehicles and light-duty trucks.
It uses 3D multibody dynamics models to accurately reproduce the physics of the vehicle in response to controls from the driver and/or automation: steering, throttle, braking, and gear shifting.
Environmental conditions include a 3D ground/road surface as well as aerodynamic and wind effects.
High Fidelity Vehicle Models: CarSim includes detailed math models for all combinations of vehicles with independent, solid axle, and twist beam suspensions. Optional features in the math models add degrees of freedom to handle one and two axle trailers, flexible chassis frames, and flexible powertrain mounts.
Modular Vehicle Definition: automobile sub-systems are defined with parameters and tables that can be obtained from published data, engineering tools, and test rigs. When data is not available, you can use the real-world data provided in our sample datasets. CarSim’s modular, parameter-based design approach lets you modify parameters and run simulations any time during the design cycle.\
Automobile Performance Metrics: CarSim provides open-loop and closedloop driver models with advanced features to help engineers quickly discover a vehicle’s limit capabilities or its optimal path through a complex maneuver. These technologies are demanded by manufactures who must certify compliance with worldwide ISO and ECE stability control regulations.
CarSim Applications: ABS Braking, Electronic Stability Control, Adaptive Cruise Control, Active Suspensions, Electronic Power Steering, Rollover Detection, Hybrid Powertrains, Fuel Economy Studies
SuspensionSim simulates quasi-static Kinematics and Compliance (K&C) tests applied to suspension systems. SuspensionSim models include both kinematics and compliance effects of joints.
A Model Builder can assemble new suspension models from existing templates (reusable datasets), and design new datasets as needed.
The multibody program in SuspensionSim can assemble complicated systems, built with SuspensionSim Bodies, Points, Joints, and Vectors. Joints include ball joints, axial springs, generic axial Joints with user-defined controls for motion or load, or nonlinear force/deflection behavior, 3D bushings, and generic 3D Joints with user-defined controls for motion or load, or nonlinear force/translation or moment/rotation behavior.
CarSim is available at a discounted price for university race teams like Formula SAE and Baja SAE
Apparently UW is already a customer?