Fall 2018 Firmware EOT Retrospective

Resolve MCI IssueIssue has been resolvednone
SOCPreliminary algorithm completed and test cases written.

Test on the car.

ELEC-540 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Driver ControlsThe code has been refactored, but fails on a unit test.Look into the cause of the unit test failure(Headlight FSM). ELEC-549 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Solar SenseThe code has been completed and test cases written.

Needs to be tested on the car.

ELEC-554 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Driver DisplayBlocked by outgoing hardware changes, once those come in, the code can be tested on the car.

Test on the car.

ELEC-434 - Getting issue details... STATUS

GPS DriverCode is complete and some test cases written

A few more tests need to be written before it is merged

ELEC-71 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Telemetry Re-design.Design layout completed

Start coding.

IMU BoardNo firmware has been written so far, board has not been brought up.

Board bring up.

ELEC-63 - Getting issue details... STATUS

What went well this term :

  • Most of the projects outlined are in the testing phase or have been completed.
  • Lots of learning/knowledge transfer.
  • Recruited a fair amount of new FW members.

What didn’t go well/could be improved :

  • learning curve was an issue in the beginning
  • not much planning for MSIV was done this term
  • we need to get better at asking the right questions in order to solve issues at a faster rate.