Current Sense Board Revisions
Revision 1
- Board size should be reduced by ~1-2mm on each side
- Some deformation of the plastic housing was present when the current sensor arrived, so additional tolerances would be a good idea
- Fix polygon for SENSE_N on the input
- Add a resistor divider (2k + 2k) on V- of the ADC to get Vref/2
- The full scale of the ADC is Vref/2, not Vref as originally thought. Full scale of -2 to 2V differential can be obtained by biasing V- to 2V. This way V+ can span 0 - 4V, and Vin = (V+ - V-) = -2 - 2V. The signum bit in the ADC's output data format (separate from 24 bit unsigned magnitude) is used to determine current direction.
- Make test points closed on the stencil to avoid having solder on all the test points after reflowing
- Add 0-ohms to switch isoSPI mode or tie it to mode 0
- Add test point to V-