July 16th, 2019 Meeting Notes
- Clarke: Where are we at?
- What do we have:
- A model that takes car paramaters and route elevation and outputs a velocity profile that is "optimized"
- A model that calculates the energy requirement of a given route (feeds into above model)
- A model that calculates our solar cell efficiency given their temperature
- A model that calculates the expected solar energy of a flat plate over the course of a day
- What are we working on:
- Modeling the ASC route (Connor)
- Motor torque requirements and modeling incorporating that torque (Connor + Clarke)
- Low power losses (Umar)
- Noise reduction in the outputted velocity (Chris)
- SOC modelling for XIV (Micah)
- Major issues:
- Data certainty (getting good + accurate CdA & Crrs)
- Model Usability (currently only gives us a graph that doesn't mean much to drivers)
- Target velocity on the dashboard as a number ( on the driver display)
- Pedal commands
- Velocity profile to trace
- Elevation profile on the dashboard
- SOC on the dashboard
- Power usage + Power generation
- Target velocity on the dashboard as a number ( on the driver display)
- Firmware and Telemetry Integration
- Clarke & Aaron & Becca & Micah (worse Micah) and anyone who wants to come
- Lack of Documentation
- We want a source of knowledge and expectations that isn't Clarke
- Before implementation
- Clear tickets
- Work split up
- Requirements
- After implementation
- Add to confluence page
- Describe our codes usage
- Define our usage and expected results
- Task definition (tasks are too large and need to be split up + have more frequent meeting to check progress)
- Fixed? by above
- Jira usage should be updated
- Github integration
- Lack of testing requirements and definitions
- Clarke Vandenhoven (Deactivated)build a testing framework
- People write unit tests (Clarke will tell you the requirements)
- Model + algorithm efficiency
- Investigation on model efficiency improvement
- Style Linter (Clarke Vandenhoven (Deactivated))
- Just to keep our code more readable
- Things that can be worked on now:
- Writing good documentation + tests
- Documentation
- Onboarding
- Waterloo leadership thoughts
- Future?
- Full Model Integration (use solar + battery level + dynamics system to optimize)
- Create usable model for anyone on the team
- Lower barrier to entry for strategy
- Build Telemetry interface
- Live Data + model recalculation
- Central repository of testing data
- Aaron Tan be here we miss you
- Dreams
- Make model completely hands off (load up on server, make use of weather APIs, available on web server)
- Set up farm for model building (run AWS server for optimization calculations)
- Firmware level documentation
- Voice Integration (Robin yelling)
- What do we have:
Action Items
- Test framework Clarke Vandenhoven (Deactivated)
- Clean up Jira @everyone by Saturday July 20th
- Documentation framework Clarke Vandenhoven (Deactivated) by Saturday
- Project Requirements Clarke Vandenhoven (Deactivated) by next Tuesday
- Unit Tests @everyone
- Style Linting Clarke Vandenhoven (Deactivated)
- Meeting with Aaron Tan
- Algorithm Investigation + Improvements Jira Ticket
- Onboarding Chris Kang (Unlicensed) + Clarke Vandenhoven (Deactivated)
- Smart Torque Limitation Melody (Unlicensed)