Modules will be secured to the catamaran directly. This way the catamaran can be used as a heat sink for the modules.
Vertical Module Securing
Yellow - Standard Base Locking thread clickbond standoff. Epoxied to the catamaran, underneath the horizontal module securing plateĀ
Green - Large washer that will sit on to of the top acetal plates of the modules.
Blue - Disc springs to provide some force if the screw backs out a bit.
Purple - M4? bolt to secure the modules. Calculations still need to be completed to find the best size. Clickbonds are made in M3-M5. The bolt preload should not crack the acetal holders of the modules or put excessive pressure on the cells.
Blue Locktite will be used on the screw threads, along with an acceptable preload tension.
There will be a 3D printed cover over top of everything to keep it as one piece when removed. This way we will not have to worry about washers falling out when removing the stackup.
Horizontal Module Securing
Modules will be secured horizontally with a plate similar to the one shown here. This wil be epoxied to the catamaran.
Material has not yet been decided, but must be easily machinable, good gluing properties (NOT a Low Surface Energy plastic - NOT Acetal), and relatively impact resistant. Polycarbonate might be an option.
At the ends of the stacks, there will also be triangular mounts to provide extra horizontal support at the top.