Wired connections are located all through out the car, delivering power, sensor readings, and CAN communication. These connections have to be organized, protected, and efficient.
To efficiently install all electrical cables so they are easy to repair and maintain, and protected from environmental hazards.
Constraints Regulations
All wires must be rated to handle the current they will be carrying
Must have
All wires and connectors must be labelled at multiple levels (individually and in groups)
Basic level of EMI shielding (twisted wires)
Minimize loop area for all high and medium current conductors (to minimize EMI)
Careful cable management required
Maintain accurate wiring diagrams of car
Ensure everyone doing wiring knows what TPA (terminal positioning assurance) and ISL (independent secondary locking) are used for
Nice to have
Shielded cables for all sensitive and important communications (CAN, Kill switch, etc)
Electrical verification to check if wires are plugged in - priority for important connections (all HV connections, kill switch, etc)