- Before you start ANSYS, you should have these CAD models ready
- Steel chassis and composite catamaran Assembly
- Impact objects (Optional)
- Open up ANSYS
- Drag an ACP (Pre) Analysis System onto your workbench
- Import the chassis and catamaran assembly into your geometry then edit the geometry using Spaceclaim → TUTORIAL: ANSYS - Beam and Shell Elements (Uni-body chassis)
- Once you have prepared your model in Spaceclaim, prepare you model in ACP (Pre) Setup → TUTORIAL: ANSYS - ACP (Pre)
- After your ACP (Pre) block is finished (update all modules so that they have a green check mark), add a static structural analysis system and connect Setup from ACP (Pre) to the Model of Static Structural
- Then connect an ACP (Post) to the workbench → TUTORIAL: ANSYS - ACP (Post)
- Repeat steps 6 and 7 for every test case you need
- Your workbench should look something like this