Measure and balance cells, monitor cell temperature.
Monitoring IC
The LTC6811 is the same IC that was to be used on MSXIV, so that we can leverage our existing firmware stack and greatly reduce development time.
Power Supply
LTC6811 required power rails:
V+ >= voltage of cell string (12s * 4.25V = 51V)
Vreg = 5V
Previous vehicles had V+ supplied directly from the cells, and a buck to generate 5V from V+. This technically violates regs as it is a load connected to the pack before the primary fuse and main relays, although it was accepted in the past.
The simplest method found to bring our system in line with regs is to supply the AFEs with isolated 5V from carrier using a multi-output isolated supply, and boosting 5V to 51V for the V+ pin.
Supply Noise Sensitivity
Previous iterations of the AFE had a buck -> LDO supply for Vreg for better noise performance. At -75dB PSSR, nearly 900mV AC is required on the V+ pin to cause a 1 bit change, thus it’s determined that the LDO is not needed.
Boost Controller
Boost converters with integrated FETs are pretty pricey, so we have decided to go with a discrete solution instead. Two low cost options were considered: the HV9150 hysteretic mode controller and MCP1632 PWM controller.
Low side because blah
Power Supply
Powered off 3V0 VREF2 supply from LT6811. Estimated current consumption for 8x thermistors (10k pullup + 3k thermistor @ 60C) is 1.84mA. VREF2 is expected to droop < 400ppm, which will cause 400ppm error, well within the acceptable range for temperature measurements. VREF2 is only used to drive thermistors, the internal ADC is referenced off VREF1.