Complete rework of design from the original CAD.
This pad is better suited to fit around the drivers foot and prevent foot slippage.
Overall safer.
Material: AISI 4130 Steel - Annealed at 865 C, Yield Strength: 460MPa (4.6 x 10E8 N/m^2)
To restrict planar movement.
A virtual walls represent where the pad made contact with the break pedal and the bolt heads.
Load of 311.6N directed perpendicularily on the face, multiplied by 2 for the safety factor (623.2N).
Mesh control applied at the point of contact of the pad and the pedal.
Note: Rounding the corners may be a good idea to reduce stress. However, the DFM may be a little difficult.
Next steps:
Machine the pedal pad
Sim for different angles of force applied (depends on driver)
(any thing else?)