Generate an optimized velocity profile that minimizes energy,
while keeping velocity and time within given constraints
User input data using parser
: (float) Distance to travel (m) Not used
: (float) Distance between elevation profile measurements (m)
: (float) Maximum allowable to travel the distance (m/s)
: (float) Minimum allowable velocity (m/s)
: (float) Maximum velocity for stops/turns (m/s)
Required Elevation File
Text File (COTAelevation_var.txt used in optimizer.py)
First row states how many points/sections in a route
Each row after the first represents a section of a course. For each row:
The index of row
change of elevation (starting point of section → end point of section)
length of section
If there is a turn after this section: Indication of turn
These values are separated by comma.
Example (lines after 16 are omitted, there are 185 lines in total):
181 points 1,0.0,30 2,0.0,30 3,0.0,30 4,0.0,30 5,0.0,30 6,0.0,30 7,0.0,30 8,0.0,30, Turn_1 9,0.0,30 10,0.0,30 11,0.0,30 12,0.0,30 13,0.0,30 14,0.6,30 15,0.9,30, Turn_2
Code Breakdown
Parameters: The name of the course we’re trying to load in (course_name)
: (2D float list)Each row represents a section of a course
column 0: the pitch/slope/steepness of the section (rad)
column 1: the length of the section (m)
: (float list)Each element is the index of where each turns are (corresponds to row index in elev_profile)
: (float) All section lengths added up. Total distance. (m)
Parameters: The maximum allowable time to cover a distance in seconds (time), the distance to be covered in meters (distance), the list of pitches map of elevations that the car must travel (e_profile), the minimum allowable velocity (min_velocity), and the list of indices where the car must stop (stop_profile)
: A map of the same dimensions as the map of elevations with each element representing the average velocity required for the car to move at each point on the map of elevations (initial_profile).Ex.
= 10 means that according to the initial profile, the car should be moving 10 m/s at point 3 (Index 2) on the map of elevations.This function basically generates the naive/initial solution that will be improved upon through the optimization function later in the program.
Only three possible velocity values are stored in
when we canWhen we can't, we just go
MAIN (functions below are inside main):
Parameters: The velocity profile (v_profile)
Returns: The amount of energy used by the car as a result of driving at the stated velocities in v_profile throughout each point on the map of elevations (energy / 100000). The energy usage is calculated by a function located in car_model.py
This objective function will be minimized by the optimization function later in the program because we’d want to minimize how much energy the car uses.
Parameters: The velocity profile (v_profile)
Returns: Time spent driving as a result of moving at the stated velocities in v_profile throughout each point on the map of elevations subtracted from the maximum allowable time by the competition. (time-sum(time_used))
Basically returns how much more time we used than is allowed.
Time used by the v-profile shouldn’t be greater than the maximum time allowed by the competition.
Used as a constraint for the optimization function later in the program.
Parameters: The velocity profile (v_profile)
Returns: The negative sum of how much the car’s velocity in v_profile is greater than the maximum velocity at each point in the map of elevations (error)
If the velocity in v_profile isn’t greater than the maximum velocity at a certain point, the error variable will not be incremented.
The maximum velocity is calculated by calling the max_velocity function from car_model.py
Calculated using scipy.optimize’s minimize function with the objective function as the function that will be minimized, v0 as the initial profile (naive solution), the bounds being the minimum and maximum velocity, Sequential Least SQuares Programming (SLSQP) optimizer as the method of minimizing the objective function, and the constraints being the speed_constraint and time_constraint function.
solution = minimize(objective, v0, method='SLSQP', bounds=bounds, constraints=conditions)