Relevant Regulations (from Rev A)
8.2.C.1 Supplemental, replaceable batteries carried in the solar car may be used to power: Main Power
Switch, radios, commercially available electronic panel meters with internal batteries, cell phones, driver
ventilation fans (if solely used for driver ventilation), and the horn. All other systems present on the car
must be powered off the main battery.
8.2.C.2 Supplemental battery power may be used to momentarily power the battery protection system
(BPS) as defined by Reg. 8.3 to verify safe battery parameters before energizing the Main Power Switch.
8.2.C.3 During a battery fault in which the BPS has automatically opened the Main Power Switch, the
supplemental battery must be used to power the BPS, BPS Strobe, and BPS Fault Driver Indication.
While in such a fault state, the supplemental battery may be used to power any other systems (signal
lights, rear view camera, telemetry, etc) that do not provide motive power to the vehicle.
8.3.B.2 All supplemental batteries must have at a minimum Passive Protection for under voltage where charging occurs remote to the solar vehicle unless they are primary cells. Active Protection is required if charging is within the solar vehicle. No Secondary Lithium battery types shall be used for the Supplemental Battery unless the Supplemental Battery is powering a commercially procured component such as a cell phone or laptop and the Supplemental Battery was intended for this purpose.