To-do-list for Implementing Coulomb Counting for SOC Evaluation
Tasks | | Assigned to |
Current and Voltage Measurements | Possible Solution: Connect analog-to-digital converter like ADS1115 module to the battery. The module measures the voltage across a sense resistor connected in series to the positive voltage of the battery, and the current is calculated using Ohm’s law.
What to do: Hardware/Software | |
Charging Module | A charging module that charges battery with constant current and voltage. When the battery is at its full capacity, the charging process should be terminated.
What to do: Hardware/Software | |
Initial System Calibration | What to do: Software P.S. this needs to be done once | |
SOC Estimation | What to do: Software | |
Error Evaluation | | |
System Integration | Integrate features listed above. Connect battery box, MCU, voltage/current measurement, and display. Connect pieces of softwares and implement on microcontroller.
| |
Display | | |
Further research to improve accuracy of SOC measurement:
Kalman Filtering
BP Neural Network