Mechanical Requirements
Smallest monitor we can get for cheap (low power), minimal text display, raspberry pi/arduino LCD
Must Haves:
Rear/Side “mirror” View Cam
Speedometer km/h + mph
Drive Mode (Parked, Reverse, Drive)
Turn Indicators
Lights (DRLs on, fog, high beam)
Should Haves:
Battery Life/Power consumption/Vehicle Range
Charging (via sun, is the array working)
Whatever indicator that relays to telemetry that the mechanical side is connected
Nice to Haves:
Cruise Control (is this more battery intensive or more useful for conserving power)
Clock/time (could be solved by driver wearing a watch)
Error Lights? - Battery temp, solar array temp (“if too hot, abandon ship”)
Should have telltale ques long before a virtual signal is relayed
Any metrics you can get (to improve performance) - would need to see the sensor power requirements first
Strategy will support in design and code of the interface.
Solar Array
There exists a need to determine if 4m^2 of the Maxeon Gen 3 Solar Cells provide sufficient energy to power all of MSXV’s functions.
Power Intake from Cells (over a XXhour span) - Power Output (to drive max distance) = Net Power
If Net Power > 0, Cells are sufficient
If Net Power <=0, Cells are insufficient and replacement is required
This study is a necessity because the challenger vehicle is not permitted to contain a secondary charging method, and therefore we are limited to the power generated entirely by our solar array.
Do you have a script?
What does it look like?
Takes in the day information and outputs power
Angles of the sun at a given time, weather mode (cloud cover)
Highly variable (expected power-per cell, non optimal day will change results)
Strategy can provide: Typical day assumptions
What changes can we make?
How much power can we draw while moving? While stationary (optimal angles)?
Battery Pack Capacity:
How long will it last?
How much power does into pack?
Can we finish a race with Net Power <=0?
Does Strategy have a hardware budget yet?
What Strategy needs from Mech:
Array angles/positions/layout
Array test this summer
Power draw of motors (Mitsuba, 1 vs 2)
Solar Array from MSXIV failed (need to test):