Design Sprint Goals:
Obtain experience of bringing a project from idea to completion.
Get accustomed to critiquing each others work
Making self-driven decisions throughout the entire process, starting from basic requirements + constraints, to selecting OTS components/materials
Getting comfortable with holding each other accountable to our own deadlines.
Documenting progress and decisions in a design log
Sprint Introduction:
The challenge of this sprint is to create a functioning prototype battery module. Here are some important design considerations: (You may come across more as the sprint goes on).
Manufacturability (
Module to Module connections
How to hold cells (3d print/ off the shelf)
Electrical connection of cells (spotwelding, mechanical)
Electrical Isolation
Mechanical robustness (in event of crash)
HV safety
Devon Copeland, Clarke Vandenhoven, Robin Pearce
The purpose of a module:
Components of a module:
Parameters & Considerations of a module:
Timeline & Deliverables:
Checkpoint 1: Rough CAD/Good hand drawing (Cyllinders and blocks), documentation of design considerations. Mechanical & electrical connections. (March 21)
Checkpoint 2: Better CAD, design log, BMS connections, thermistor placement, reasoning behind dimensions (April 4)
Extra weight (cell weight/ total weight)
Temperature (inaccurate)
Checkpoint 3: Final design review, bring previous leads (next term?)