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This page is for keeping all information related to the mock-up diagram.

Main Google Drive Link:

It contains most of the files listed on this page. Many of these files can be referred to for information on board and enclosure connections.

Electrical Mock-Up

The diagram itself. It contains models of boards and connections between each other. Some information to include in the diagram: wire colour, wire gauge (thickness), wire length (once the mechanical team has this information), and connector direction (denoted by a tab as seen in the picture below; it can be shown using a small rectangle on the side of the connector).

A micro-fit connector. Notice the tab is only on one side

Wire gauge and colour are discussed later.

Electrical Overview - Jan 2021 Update

Generally a decent document for figuring out what connects to what, when the information is difficult to find elsewhere. This is a very high-level diagram and does not reflect the actual appearance of the mock-up.

Electrical Mock-Up Connections

The document for keeping track of connections between boards for better organization. Only a few boards are included in the document for now, but if anyone works on a board that is not in the spreadsheet, it can be added.

Each row represents an individual harness (connector). Most columns are self explanatory, except for the identifier. The identifier is going to be a number that helps us keep track of the individual connections. The two guidelines for assigning identifiers:

  • The connection that receives the identifier will be the first one that is recorded in the spreadsheet first (since all connections will be recorded twice).

  • The identifier will be equal to the row number on the spreadsheet.

The spreadsheet should be updated as progress is made with connections across boards (make sure to record them both ways).

Board Assignment for System Mock-Up

This document contains assignments to each board and its connections. This will be phased out, but until then, please keep it updated.

Enclosure Connectors

The spreadsheet that is relevant is the one labelled “enclosure planning”. It contains the wire gauge and sometimes its colour. This document can be used for determining gauge and appropriately labeling the diagram.

If colour is not mentioned for a specific connection, this guideline can be followed:

CANH - white
CANL - green
LV Power - red
LV GND - black
HV Power - orange
HV GND - blue

Other connections may use other colours as needed.

General Resources

  • A365 is a great resource for creating board models. The PCB can be viewed in 3D mode and from there, the connector placement is easily seen.

  • Confluence can provide lots of information on connections between boards (though not all of it will be very neat or easy to find). It’s worth digging around for a bit for some relevant information.

  • If the connections between boards are not clear from any of the above resources, consider contacting the person who worked on the board.

Contact Nita E if there are any questions or if Google Drive access is required for any of the documents mentioned on this page.

  • No labels