The following is a breakdown of how to get the HAT up and running. Originally, the chosen RPI module was intended to feed periodic location data to the race team using GPS and our on-board communication channels.
Upon inspection of the module’s data sheet here, it appear that it can only feed GSM data and not GPS data.
GSM is used to send and collect data from a central unit through a data call.
GPS receives information about a location from satellites, but it cannot communicate with a central unit.
Setup Using Commands
The "AT" or "at" or “aT” or “At”prefix must be set at the beginning of each Command line. To terminate a Command line enter . Commands are usually followed by a response that includes. "" Throughout this document, only the responses are presented, are omitted intentionally. (page 22)
The picture shown above shows the basic command syntax. (page 23)
At least 75% of the data sheet is relating to making/receiving/transferring phone calls. For the purposes of simplicity, this page will only breakdown setting up the GSM functionality. For this, we go to chapter 9 (page 249) and chapter 13 (page 288).
Run the test command shown below. Assuming it goes well, the expected output is as follows.
Next, data is pulled using the GSM functionality. Use <cid> = 1. Refer to Chapter 9 for more options regarding the full list and description of IP applications.
The longitude and latitude is given in degrees. The date is YYYY/MM/DD and the time is according to the GMT time zone. The max response time is 60 seconds. If deemed necessary, additional scripts can be written to compare the location/distance of the car (lat1, long1) with the race team (lat2, long2) using this method: Link
It is highly recommended to go through all the chapters and deactivate any background functionality the module may be running. It is unspecified how many of the module’s functions are pre-enabled. Neglecting this will lead to unnecessary power draw during communication.