Below are the general procedures that are to be followed for testing of the front bulkhead.
Please note that although each standard says to test 5 specimens each, we don’t exactly have 15 specimens for the frontbulkhead so we will have to do 3/4 instead of 5.
Condition the specimen in a chamber if the test environment is not the same as a conditioned environment.
Measure the length, width and thickness at three places in the specimen.
Place the specimen into the test fixture as shown in the equipment and apparatus section.
Attach the deflection transducer (if we choose to use one).
Apply a compressive force to the specimen until failure or until a deflection equal to the thickness is reached.
Variable | Quantity |
Load rate | 6mm/min |
Failure occurence | 3-6 minutes |
Support bar separation |
ASTM D3039
Measure the specimen in 3 places and report average thickness and width as well as average area.
Place the specimen into the grips of the testing machine
Apply the force until failure occurs
Variable | Quantity |
Failure occurence | 1 to 10 min |
Head displacement | 2mm/min |
ASTM D3410
Condition specimens
Apply strain gages/extensometers to both faces of the specimen(if we choose to).
Monitor test temperature using thermocouples (if we choose to).
If needed, move the testing machine crosshead to open the distance between the 2 housing blocks so both the upper and lower wedge rip assemblies may be accessed.
Close the upper grips manually to check the specimen's vertical displacement. Do it with the lower grips as well. The upper grips should be in full contact with the wedge when closed. Repeat if we need to.
Attach strain transducers if they will be used. Then, attach the strain recording instrumentation to the strain gages or other transducers on the specimen. Then, remove any remaining preload and zero the transducer(s).
Apply the force to the fixture at the specified rate until failure while recording data.
Variable | Quantity |
Strain Rate | 0.01 min-1 |
Crosshead Displacement | 1.5 mm/min |
Failure occurence | 1-10 min |