Length x Width x Depth - 200 mm x 75 mm x Thickness of Sandwich Construction
Make sure to test at least five specimensper test condition unless you are confident that the results obtained are valid through the use of fewer specimens.
Equipment and Apparatus:
Apparatus: Universal Testing Machine (UTM) with a deflection transducer, as shown in the figure below.
Figure 1: Universal Testing Machine (UTM)
Figure 2: Deflection transducer setup in a 3-point bend test
Condition the specimen in a chamber if the test environment is not the same as a conditioned environment.
Measure the length, width and thickness at three places in the specimen.
Place the specimeninto the test fixture as shown in the equipment and apparatus section.
Attach the deflection transducer.
Apply a compressive force to the specimen until failure or until a deflection equal to the thickness is reached.
Load rate
Failure occurence
3-6 minutes
Basic Description:
3-point or 4-point bend test
Figure 3: 3-Point Bend Test
Figure 4: 4-Point Bend Test
Reported during the test:
Force versus crosshead displacement, force versus deflection data continuously, or at frequent intervals (around 2-3 recordings per second, with a target minimum of 100 recorded data points)
If there are any initial failures, record force, displacement and mode of damage where the failure occurs.
Record mode, area and location of each failure.
Use the failure identification codes, shown in the figure below.
Record the max force, failure force, head displacement and the deflection at the moment of ultimate failure.
For ultimate failure modes, record the mode, area and location of ultimate failure for each material.
Special Alignment Jig as shown in the figure below.
Apparatus will be a compression test fixture
Condition specimens
Apply strain gages/extensometers to both faces of the specimen
Monitor test temperature using thermocouples.
If needed, move the testing machine crosshead to open the distance between the 2 housing blocks so both the upper and lower wedge rip assemblies may be accessed.
Close the upper grips manually to check the specimens vertical displacement. Do it with the lower grips as well. The upper grips should be in full contact with the wedge when closed. Repeat if we need to.
Attach strain transducers if they will be used. Then, attach the strain recording instrumentation to the strain gages or other transducers on the specimen. Then, remove any remaining preload and zero the transducer(s).
Apply the force to the fixture at the specified rate until failure while recording data.
Same as ASTM D3039 standard along with the following:
Equipment and Apparatus:
Same as ASTM D3039
Same as ASTM D3039 as well as:
This test will have normal strain instrumentation in both the longitudinal and transverse directions. It will also have a continuous/nearly continuous force normal strain data recording.
Basic Description:
Tensile Test
Reported during test:
Max Shear Stress
Shear Stress
Shear Strain
Max Shear Strain
Shear Modulus of Elasticity
Offset Shear Strength
*Again, all these formulas will be in the confluence page*
At least 20 specimens shall be tested, representing at least four different joints
Equipment and Apparatus:
No equipment listed, just apparatus:
The machine will have a capacity of no less than 6810kg in compression and shall be fitted with a shearing tool containing a self-aligning seat to ensure uniform lateral distribution of the load.
It will be able to maintain a uniform rate of loading so the load may be applied with a continuous motion. The apparatus is pictured below:
We will have to prep the test joints:
They will be hard maple blocks, having a minimum specific gravity of 0.65 based on oven-dry weight and volume shall be selected. Below is a picture of the test joints and how they should be cut?
Basic Description:
Shearing tool/shearing tester.
Reported during test:
Shear stress at failure.
Max and min shear stress at failure and percentages of wood failure.
The standard deviation of all individual test values.
Average shear stress at failure and the average percentage of wood failure.
Shear Stress at failure
Max and min shear stress at failure and percentages of wood failure