Welcome to the team! Please follow this step-by-step process for onboarding:
Join our Slack and Discord for all team communications. Team Communication
[Optional] Add our google calendar for all meeting times Midnight Sun Calendar
[Definitely not optional] Follow @uwmidsun on instagram!
Read Intro to Solar Car Electrical Systems to get an overview of the project we’re working on. Even though you’ll be working on firmware, it’s important to understand the context of the projects you work on. Intro to Solar Car Electrical Systems
Read about the competition we attend here: https://www.americansolarchallenge.org/ It’s in two parts, there’s a track race (laps) and a rally (distance/time)
Attend Firmware 101 to get a quick overview of our firmware system and complete the homework, or read through the notes. Notes and homework here: Firmware 101 Notes
[Optional] If you’re unfamiliar with shell, git, or C programming, please watch through the relevant Shell Environments, Git, and C Programming videos by Arshan (a retired firmware lead). Tutorial Videos
Get your environment set up with Module 1 of Software 101. Module 1: Setup
Attend Firmware 102 to get an understanding of how our firmware team works and complete the homework, or read through the notes. Notes and homework here: Firmware 102 Notes
Attend Firmware 103 to get an understanding of our basic libraries and finding hardware information and complete the homework, or read through the notes. Notes and homework here: Firmware 103 Notes
[Optional] review the relevant videos by Arshan relating to GPIO, ADCs, and Interrupts.
Have a task assigned on JIRA.
Attend Firmware 104 to get an understanding of inter-chip communication and complete the homework, or read through the notes. Notes and homework here: Firmware 104 Notes
[Optional] Watch the Arshan’s video on CAN.
[Optional] Read through the notes on Codegen Tooling. This probably won’t be relevant right now, but will be down the line.
Attend Firmware 105 to get a detailed understanding of our project architecture and complete the homework, or read through the notes. Notes and homework here: Firmware 105 Notes
Once you’ve completed these steps, pat yourself on the back, you’re now a fully onboarded Midnight Sun firmware member!