Title: | Mech Leads | |
Owner: | Catherine Cai | |
Creator: | Catherine Cai | Nov 20, 2021 |
Last Changed by: | Aidan Lehal | Feb 23, 2022 |
Tiny Link: (useful for email) | https://uwmidsun.atlassian.net/wiki/x/ZIBtsQ | |
Export As: | Word · PDF |
Children (8)
General Design Exploration Process (2021-11-20 Mech Leads Meeting Notes)
Leads Design Sprint and Preliminary Timeline (2021-12-18 Mech Leads Meeting Notes)
Mech Leads Design Challenge
How to Design a Vehicle
Car Design Process and Team Goals (2022-02-12 Mech Leads Meeting)
New Bay Layout, End of W22 Review, S22 Planning (Mech Leads Meeting 02-04-2022)
Spring 2022 Kickoff Meeting (2022-05-02)
Mech Design Lock Review Recordings
General Design Exploration Process (2021-11-20 Mech Leads Meeting Notes)
Leads Design Sprint and Preliminary Timeline (2021-12-18 Mech Leads Meeting Notes)
Mech Leads Design Challenge
How to Design a Vehicle
Car Design Process and Team Goals (2022-02-12 Mech Leads Meeting)
New Bay Layout, End of W22 Review, S22 Planning (Mech Leads Meeting 02-04-2022)
Spring 2022 Kickoff Meeting (2022-05-02)
Mech Design Lock Review Recordings
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