This article will help you get setup if you have a M1 with a solution using Docker Desktop.
\uD83D\uDCD8 Instructions for Docker Setup
Info |
This guide will provide instructions for getting a virtual environment setup with Docker which will allow you to simulate your code in a Linux environment |
Download Docker Desktop for Apple Silicon ( )
Install the latest version of vagrant ( )
For M1s, you can use brew or you can download the ARM64 version
Clone the repo:
git clone && cd box
Go to your box directory and switch to branch mainmaster branch
You can check if you are on the master branch if you run
git branch
Code Block ~ % cd box box % git checkout
Before running
vagrant up
, make sure that you have docker openThere is a current error with vagrant 2.4.1 (this issue may be fixed in future versions) which can be fixed with a one line change. Go into the box repository
If you get this type of error, follow the instructions below:Code Block ~ % cd box box % cd /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-2.4.1/plugins/providers/docker # Using whatever code editor (or use sudo vim) to edit the driver.rb file in this directory # If you are not comfortable doing this, please ask a lead and they can help you # Go to line 352 and replace "if (config.size > 0 &&" with # if (defined?(config.size) && config.size > 0 &&
The end result will look like this, you will need to sudo save if you are using vscode or another editor:
Once this file is saved, you can return the box repository and continue on
vagrant up --provider=docker
vagrant ssh
cd shared
git clone && cd fwxv
(if you clone with https, you will need to set up an ssh key later which is covered in our setup page)Run
scons sim --project=leds --platform=x86
to test that your environment is working correctly. If it compiles and runs your environment is set up
. Correct output will be constant printing of “blink.” To stop the output, just click ctr + c.
If you get to this step and are following the FW101 setup, please return to the setup page Setup and start at the ssh keygen section.
👾 Guide to flashing on M1s
Note |
Only follow these instructions if you have already finished the instructions below and are ready to flash |
Info |
While this guide provides instructions for flashing, it's important to note that the execution of scons sim still remains necessary within the Docker environment |
Ensure you are not in the linux environment (Docker environment)
Go to the box repository and start up your python virtual environment by running
source venv/bin/activate
Try running
arm-none-eabi-gcc --version
and look for output. If it says that it cannot findarm-none-eabi-gcc
then runsource ~/.zshrc
If it still doesn’t work, please contact a lead for help
Make the necessary connections you need with the hardware
cd shared/fwxv
then runscons flash --project=[project name]
(If you need some other scons command please reference the file)
✨ Guide to setting up dependencies for flashing on M1s
Note |
Ensure that these steps, including any future flashing activities, are performed outside the VagrantLinux/Docker environment |
Install package dependencies:
Run this shell script in box directory:
View file name This uses virtualenv, a python package manager. ( )
Install arm-none-eabi-gcc compiler
Download gcc-arm-none-eabi version 9.2.1 which is obtained from
your tar file into your box folder and change current directory to box directory
Run this code in the box repository:
View file name Run
in the box/shared/fwxv folder to test if building works
For people who care about the step-by-step of the Block // Should be in the box repository with .tar.bz2 file tar xzf gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2019-q4-major-mac.tar.bz2 // move into gcc-arm-none-eabi folder cd gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2019-q4-major/bin // run pwd and copy output into next command pwd // enter pwd output in [pwd input here] (do not include [] braces) // ex. echo 'export PATH="/Users/your-user-name/box/gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2019-q4-major/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.
zshrc echo 'export PATH="[pwd input here]:$PATH"' >> ~/.
zshrc source ~/.
zshrc // you may get a permissions issue so we will "unquarantine" (remove quarantine attribute) our files // path to gcc-arm-none-eabi folder can be grabbed by cd gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2019-q4-major and pwd // ex. xattr -d -r /Users/your-user-name/box/gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2019-q4-major/ xattr -d -r [path to gcc-arm-none-eabi folder] // check arm-none-eabi-gcc version // Should get output similar to: /* * arm-none-eabi-gcc (GNU Tools for Arm Embedded Processors 9-2019-q4-major) 9.2.1 20191025 (release) [ARM/arm-9-branch revision 277599] * Copyright (C) 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO * warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. /* arm-none-eabi-gcc --version // To test if it works, run scons to see if everything compiles correctly for you scons