Welcome to Midnight Sun! It is our hope that you have a successful workterm here with us. There are a bureaucratic things that you will have to complete before diving into your co-op term with us. As a general checklist:
- Visit our website at www.uwmidsun.com
- Join the Facebook group at www.facebook.com/groups/uwmidsunmembers/
- Complete your Co-op Student Agreement form (Instructions below)
- Confluence and Slack Sign up on Atlassian for
- Speak to your team supervisor for specific set up instructions
- If applicable, set up your uwmidsun email address
- vehicles Learn more about the
Due to COVID-19, each student design team member, including co-ops, are required to obtain COVID-19 specific return to campus training. This can be accessed here ONSITE: Getting Access Onsite & Onsite Rules and Procedures.
Following the completion of these forms, the team lead should provide in-person training (when campus can be accessed) outlining the following main points: