- Vagrant: a tool for managing and configuring Virtual Machines. Download the latest distro of Vagrant here
- VirtualBox: Download the latest version of Virtualbox VirtualBox 7.0. You need both the main application and the "Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack", available here. Check that the versions are the same 😉
- Git: make sure to go on Github and create an account.
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# You should still be ssh'd into the box # Check with whoami - it should say "vagrant" whoami # Access the shared folder - found at box/shared cd ~/shared # Clone the firmware repo git clone https://github.com/uw-midsun/fwxv.git && cd fwxv # Try to build the firmware (if you are on Apple Silicon, ignore this) scons |
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Note: You will need to setup an ssh key to access github with your account. If you have already performed git clone with https, you can alternatively set up a token to be able to push any changes to our repo and you will need to enter this token in replacement of your password each time you push. If you are setting up fresh, you need to use an ssh key to link your account. To learn how to add an ssh key you can run run the following commands in vagrant. Then, make sure to link it to your Github account.
Also, if you have already performed git clone with https, you can switch to ssh by performing the command below. If you don't, you will constantly be prompted for your user/token still even if you've already added your ssh key and linked it to your Github account.
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# Configure git
git config --global user.name "Your Name"
git config --global user.email youremail@example.com
git config --global push.default simple
git config --global core.autocrlf input
# Only works for git >= 2.9
git config core.hooksPath hooks
# If git < 2.9 (All boxes before the 18.04 release)
rm -rf .git/hooks && ln -s ~/shared/fwxv/hooks .git/hooks
# Make sure that pylint is up to date so that the hooks don't fail, and install autopep8 for Python formatting
pip3 install pylint autopep8
# Make sure virtualenv is installed so Python dependencies get properly installed
sudo pip3 install virtualenv |
Please use the email that's associated with your GitHub account.
Update existing box
Only worry about this if you had the old box previously