Timeslot | Organizer | Other notes |
Mon. Feb. 22, 8:00pm-8:30pm | Work time permitting @aashmika might join Nita E to join | |
He’s doing a part-time PHD: http://ampere.engr.uky.edu/people
Question 1: Is the situation in which a team tests the limits for there BPS system before hand, arrive at the site for scrutineering, then find themselves failing the BPS checks one that arises often? If so, can you think of any factors of the environment or situation that may cause that?
Has published some papers on it
Flying capacitor boost converter MPPT - google it.
Frequency multiplication effect - so inductor, etc. can be absolutely miniaturized - 1/4th of the size and 1/10th weight of anything you can buy
Crazy high boost ratio capability - all the way down to 3V - he might make it commercial someday
Might be this one: https://ecal.berkeley.edu/files/EECS498.pdf
Question 4: Do you often see teams failing insulation?