Sub-team Updates
Hardware - Re-spinning AFEs to address hw issues, debug to be complete by early next week with send-out by eow
Peter + Graeme Final Inspection Success!
check-in on aero and canopy progress next week
Build Review Approval!
COMP PPL: Reminder to review the safety presentation (sent in asc-roster channel)
Vehicle Updates
need to bend further
Vehicle speed?
no figure 8 test until after wrapped
steering is quite good based on observation
slalom test
try to test before motors off?
Vehicle Wrap
next week Tuesday - Friday
final aero work + canopy latches to be completed by then
no more trimming
Aero back sag
fix after aero wrapping
Final form for comp roster in progress
high-level meeting of comp prep next week wednesday (July 3rd)
Vehicle Unveiling Event
to work with Department
after wrapping
Track booking next weekend?
better than parking lot
regular contact on vacation
Catherine Weckman?
Strategy Update
kostubh + rodrigo finishing up optimization model
comp. updated route
final route!
creating notebook
To set up repo on someone’s computer
connect to cloud database
have local database as backup
volunteers! Mitch
looks like 15m/s is optimal for most scenarios
Reduced Student Shop Hours starting July 2nd
Monday - Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Saturday 8:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Vehicle Updates
12 - Design Review
13 - VDR - Mechanical
18 - Build Review
Peter and Graeme signed off on Build review document!
Design review is technically approved!
Mech VDR - one person approved steering, still waiting on brakes
peter signature X
Build photos
in 6 days, car needs to be driving
Friday, June 28th - Demonstration to Peter
also requested to get plenty of vehicle testing in prior to comp.
To-do: Onsite team to build car and get pictures by 9 PM EST
Roof tilting functionally complete
Roof/canopy latching curing last night
Dashboard installed, to be wired electrically
To-do: roof prop, interior panels
Dynamics integration pretty much finished
parking lever to-do
steering v2 is approved!
Leave aero to Jaiden to smooth out
Wrapping sponsor secured!
July 2nd - 3 day process
PCL solar sponsorship
in talks
ballast box v2
still in design
not needed for photo
PCL Solar Sponsorship Inquiry
FSGP Track Map Released - Corner Workers required from teams
Vehicle Updates
June 13th Build review
MECH: brakes - last major component to be assembled + validated
to do this weekend
Steering column to be made
FSU concern - hubnut proposed solution - safety wire
M30 castle nut wont arrive until June 14
Roof-tilting for pictures
prop open manually
Wheel cutout stencils finished Monday
Jaiden to use monday
RPC taking too long for canopy latches
send all resin prints to supplier
To determine aero cutout for roof tilting
steering review today
E3 order ideally today
manufactured over midterm week
Battery: mounts + prints left
fuse block
aux box
full pack testing hasn’t been done
battery ready by monday
ELEC to finish BMS testing
working on lights
push-to-talk mic
ANYONE try to put seatbelts on pls
pic in #mech-interiors
leave vehicle intact during midterm week
June 17 - 21 midterm week
ASC Swag survey:
1st and 2nd choice
Build Review - due June 13
Vehicle Updates
HV Supply
Ebay seller ghosted evan…
decision to order non-CSA approved HV supply by end of week
connect all power supplies in series to mimic HV supply…
to check: ASC equipment regs.
most without cutting control arms → 16deg
used test pack
drew 12 A peak (didnt blow up)
did figure 8
target - 8 seconds; got 8.05 seconds
aero on the car
off now for roof tilting assembly
need chassis for roof tilting assembly to avoid possible roof-chassis collision
canopy tilting still 3D printing
need to get assembled to canopy
co-op and carmelli DRIs
build review regs?
does vehicle match mech VDR
is chassis constructed as design
is roll cage sufficient quality
is vehicle consistent with designed
is front, rear suspension good
are fasteners consistent with regs
are tires, wheels as designed
does vehicle have two suitable mechanical braking systems
does solar panel match designed
build review - to use OLD steering system
two photos - roof up and roof down; ideally more
peter and mary wells to sign off
Wheel wells
stencil mistake
to cut out hour glass shape
wont apply this term
do reallocations instead
UWaterloo banners, logos, etc. - let SDC know beforehand to borrow
MANDATORY FSGP/ASC Safety Presentation - June 25
4 PM ET (1 PM PT)
recording will be available to those who can’t join Zoom link (due to work, etc)
Race Docs Status:
Registration Documents are all Green!
Technical Docs - Design Review red, Mech VDR yellow
mech re-submission waiting for approval (4 days ago)
design review re-submission waiting for approval (1 day ago)
Reminder: next week is alumni reunion (open house)
Vehicle Updates
elec - motor calibration happening today
located HV supply in HV room
continuing battery testing (want all 3 AFEs fully working)
aim to drive with full pack on monday
HV supply situation
buy a non-SDC approved one just for comp.
to look into purchasing used supply
full pack BMS validation
to do full discharge test
waiting for pack completion
figure 8 in 8 seconds
roughly 30-35 kmph
task force to fix steering in 3 weeks
U-turn test will fail
figure 8 test probably will fail
forced 16deg outer and inner gets pretty good steering radius
will aim for 16 - 16 parallel steering (max 18 - 18)
currently doing 11-16deg (inner, outer) anti-ackermann steering
aero-chassis integration
on hold
all parts are in
assembly plan in
start assembly next week
probably assemble hinge without worry
ballast box finishing today
latching - sent to RPC for printing
striker plates (E3 machining)
dashboard - design finalized, probably will be welded and made next week
race + route data all in house!
weather, elevation, etc.
prelim linear optimization model for speed
need rate-of-consumption of battery (with different speeds)
weight of the car also good to have
assumptions on solar panel intake being made
battery will track cell temp.
engsoc + weef applications in progress
LEADS think about things for next vehicle
3D printer?
weef proposal meeting take-away
joint proposals work well
mech is yellow
follow up on BPS
Getting first aid/cpr training
Alumni Reunion (open house) June 1st
9AM - 4 PM
BBQ will be provided
react to message in #core if you will attend
WEEF + EngSoc Proposals Out
Engsoc Deadline - June 6
WEEF Deadline - June 20th
proposal workshop - May 23rd
Vehicle Updates
rolling chassis completed!
almost driving chassis
everything dynamics on except for brakes
brake fluid lines need to buy + route
steering almost done
steering wheel and bar remaining
brake rear caliper mounts designed
front rotors take a while to come in (june 1st deadline)
1 motor running off power supply
hoping monday to drive the car
waiting on other motor controller
need to test homemade motor controller
battery box re-welding
battery modules finished end of weekend
attach bottom and top plates to modules
HV power supply
working on solution with Peter
Agenda Items
remaining ASC deliverables
registration docs (final yellow…)
technical docs
mech VDR yet to be reviewed
lanyards potential change
design review RED
build review
michael meeting w peter and graeme
can take as many vehicles as we want
drivers: allow more than 6
truck & trailer max 4
mitch and evan to do
SDC truck trailer training next couple of weeks
race roster update
lead + chase vehicle must have waterloo sticker
jaiden will bring personal vehicle with waterloo sticker
if car does not work by JUNE 30, bye bye
vehicle completion - what’s left?
big task - elec integration
motors are on RSU
waiting for steering assembly
fourth wheel needs to be pumped
aero chassis integration
can happen pretty last minute
solar array integration
can happen this week without wrap
roof tilting and canopy tilting locations needed
ring terminals have arrived
tilting mechanism
all parts present
needs to be welded + assembled
battery box
connector integration
start elec integration
integrate elec system into vehicle
motors freely spin on vehicle for now
dynamics assembly
steering design to review
aero work
body work
solar cell + mppt integration
roof tilting + canopy tilting integration
GOAL: Aero-chassis integration
elec mockup
aero chassis integration
resin-print priority list to be made
new members?
extra hands
unskilled labour might not help…
mech general announcement
working sessions only
can limit numbers
S24 Leads meeting
Saturday at 12 PM starting May 18
message throughout the week in channels
homemade motor interface board is having issues
HV power supply is broken
HV room as alternative
talk to Graeme + Peter to loan room
UWAFT has separate HV supply
race logistics*
personnel shortage?
driver roster
to comp: michael (trailer), mido (caravan), winters, mitch (trailer), evan (chase or trailer), jaiden (personal vehicle), aryan (with jaiden)
returning: winters (chase), evan + mitch (trailer), jaiden (personal car), richard* (chase car)
sufficient qualifications (safety, etc.)
*may not cover in meeting
SDC Driver/Trailer Training
If you need classroom/trailer training and WON’T be in Waterloo, message Yanshen Zhou to schedule training with Graeme
Sub-team Updates
One liner: Integrate the housings into the aerobody for all cuts, finish off aero-chassis integration, finish off bodywork with E3, send for wrapping
We are back in the sanding room! This week all remaining cuts into the aerobody will be made
Matt did Les update you on wheel cover update
Jaiden did some sanding this past week, we will continue with that until Brian can takeover
I will ask Brian if we are still good for end of May bodywork
Any update on canopy tilting/roof tilting so that roof and windshield can be finalized?
Ordering acrylic for all covers, gasket for wheel wells
seat tubes and tabs +steering column mount welded this week.
lanyard mounts water jet and welded, ready for testing
canpoy and roof tilt, steering wheel parts still in waterjet cue?
may need to order some tubes for roof tilt from mcmaster carr (confirm with Aidan Donen)
Pedal placement + panel updated, to be finalized and sent out next week.
Design review for propping mechanism to be done early next week Jason Chen
Latching sticker plate drawings progressing.
One liner: finish modules, attach 3d printed parts to box after validation, and do full pack test
Module wiring is done, now just need to attach top and bottom plate to all of them
Validating prints for enclosure, made some changes that we want to check on Saturday work session. Once prints are validated, they’ll be attached
After above two items are done, full pack testing
Modules should be finish-able by Saturday (April 6), validating prints may take longer and might have to be done after exams are finished
Jason (coop) has all the CAD for the box removal method done, he can do the manufacturing during exams
last fsu part being made rn, front wheels on the car Sunday unless another hiccup comes up
custom brake pedal is coming along, last dependency until assembly is mcmaster carr order
RSU has started machining
Still waiting until sir hanley says i can start making steering
Next Term: Jonathan, Winters, Richard + Mech coop will be running all tests required before scuntineering (figure 8, testing shocks bounciness, and misc tuning already researched over this term)
One liner: Bug fixes, system-level validation, putting it on the car
MCI/Precharge (final item) added to mockup 🥳
Issues with BMS AFE/MCI, re-spins sent out
Will finalize the race route
Updates from the meeting will allow me to finish up the Sandra Flemming travel grant
Mech has mentioned that they need sponsorship, will talk with members about that
Data in-house
Working to complete a small strategic dashboard to encapsulate Strategy
Got a member working on a small dashboard for this project to view and visualize our data, live.
Still in-progress, unblocked last week
Check-in with battery folks re: battery supplemented data
W24 Exam Working Sessions
which sub-teams need to do to stay on track?
S24 Team Personnel
who’s where?
general sub-team readiness for comp
Waterloo | Other | Unconfirmed |
Bay Midterm Safety Review
Apr 2 - 5 (we choose timeslot)
SDC Truck Training
classroom sessions happening next week
parking lot sessions week(s) after
need emails of all names of drivers that need training
SDC Vehicles have been booked for comp!
Sub-team Updates
Chassis tubes getting cut today
Dynamics assembly monday
Waterjetting to send out monday
Int elec:
Design of MPPT mounts complete, design of motor controller mounts complete by Tuesday.
Design and routing of battery ducts complete, please see "*\MSXV\Development\INT\Ventilation\XV-INT-VENT007- battery box duct assembly.SLDASM" and check for interference with other systems
Battery Box:
Re-wiring voltage taps & thermistors because wires on existing ones were too short
Making small changes to some 3D-Printed parts to make things line up (like shifting hole positions)
Planning to do full-pack test next week
Re-spinning AFEs to address hw issues, debug to be complete by early next week with send-out by eow.
New CC, motor switch, canopy light to arrive Tuesday
Additions to mockup:
stalk inputs
turn signals/brake lights implemented
BMS relay sequencer + temperature sensing
Remaining items:
Will go over the overnight stays for the race, to begin calling and booking Monday
Discussing FSGP strategy tuning at stand-up today (still a work in progress)
Route model complete for all four stages (distance approach)
e.g. Stage 1
Ability to conduct our necessary data ingestion processes complete.
Got a member working on a small dashboard for this project to view and visualize our data, live.
Check-in today, progress for the week TBD.
Still working on live infrastructure (in-race, live statistics)
Member summarized (loops, checkpoints etc.
Summary of SDC Leads Meeting
Commercial Van Training Course
email will be sent out later to schedule
classroom sessions next few months, road sessions in April
Giving Tuesday
$28,000 to be split amongst all design teams
need to write up proposal and SDC will distribute to teams based on need
Sandra Fleming Travel Fund
online application available (due in April)
up to $1000* - maybe more since historically they were low on applicants
Router in workbay
Engineering Computing doesn’t like our midsun wifi 😞
elec - green
mech - red
mech - unreviewed
elec + battery - green
Track Fee
Yanshen Zhou confirm with IEF that they received payment
FILL OUT ASC FORM! Will close tmr
Sub-team Check-ins:
Ribs connection to tub this weekend
windshields coming back monday
E3 body work
they’re really busy…
meeting with Brian monday
to meet w forest
idea to minimize headlight area
floor panels getting cnc’d this week
SDC leads meeting next week
trailer certification
Sandra Fleming travel grant
Elec deadline today!
battery done
solar done
elec in progress
Mech deadline past wednesday
everything done, formatting in progress
PVDR resubmission
couple of comments - dynamics and chassis
Mech PVDR Re-submission - FINISH THIS WEEKEND!
chassis - done
dynamics - jonathan pushing
LEARN recruitment messages
midsun alumni spotlight - serial
ASC competition logistics working sessions - Saturday @ 2:00 PM
W24 WEEF applications opened
plan to apply to race equipment
claim rest of Dean’s funding once vehicle is complete
VDR DUE January 31!
PVDR resubmission needs to be done!!!!
battery box W24 timeline
mainly testing
Jenna Kong has timeline
not super extensive
battery enclosure at demtool for powder-coating
owen, shem, nicole, vaibhav, etc.
roof-latching + tilting
canopy tilting
miscellaneous small tasks
seats…ballast box
Divit designing seat mold
3 including adan
rear camera mount
need to manufacture
pedal mounting
DEADLINE: powder-coating sendout - beginning of March
matt has excel timeline
designated mech co-op
after sendout = assembly
april: tuning
matt, couple first years, jonathan
CNC mold list to send to Graeme
mold layup schedule based on Graeme schedule
clean out sanding room by this Tuesday!
windshield mold done
thermoformed tuesday
headlight cutouts made next week
prioritizing flat panels
michael to make wheel wells
matt, jasmine, vu?
Meeting w/ Peter + graeme
Thursday, November 9th
leads critical to vehicle completion REQUIRED!
mech leads
mitch (fw)
+ tech leads for next term
to discuss feasibility of vehicle completion
pre-meeting check in Wednesday?
7 PM
PVDR Deadline Monday!
Potluck Friday!
Sub-team Progress Check
Meeting w/ Peter + graeme
Thursday, November 9th
leads critical to vehicle completion REQUIRED!
mech leads
mitch (fw)
+ tech leads for next term
to discuss feasibility of vehicle completion
pre-meeting check in Wednesday?
7 PM
PVDR Deadline Monday!
Sub-team Progress Check
Mech Gen
ASC 2024 Pre-Event Team Status
WEEF Applications due October 31st
Sub-team Progress Check
Mech Gen
get F23 EngSoc wishlist by END OF TODAY
F23 second-half milestones + initiatives
i.e. manufacturing goals, resume reviews, etc.
~25 people out to 101
HW validation with PD
FW members waiting for tasks
need more HW people to get boards done
AFEs as well?
solar testing
BMS boards
September 2023 | ||||||
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
3 | 4 | 5 | 6 SDC Design Team Showcase 3 - 5 PM
| 7 First General
| 8 | 9 Sub-team 101s |
10 | 11 Competition Overview (All teams) | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 Hack the North (RESTRICTED BAY ACCESS) | 16 Hack the North (RESTRICTED BAY ACCESS) |
SDC Design Team Showcase Signup