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  • Mechanical VDR submitted

  • Exteriors: chassis + aero integration, rib considerations, budget continued progress, r&d after hell week

  • Battery: pendingBegan MS16 design sprint, with two groups both working on their own design. Waiting MS16 bulk cell purchase based on meeting with Peter on budgeting/when he gives green light on MS16 participating ASC24. Began making better progress with MS15.5 tasks (removal tool sheet, MS15.5 module remake).

  • Dynamics: rear hub finalization → start drawings, FSU calc works!… sorta, RSU hardpoint increase priority, brake + accelerator convo

  • Chassis: MS16 integration (thumbs up) split between 3 sections, MS15.5 sim issues with material testing concerns

  1. Electrical

    1. Firmware:

      1. Telemetry software tested. Moving to hardware testing next week

      2. MS16 Power distribution, Centre Console and IMU firmware started

      3. MS16 BMS/Motor controller being software tested and updated to new pack design

    2. Strategy

      1. Telemetry tested with hardware

      2. Validating DB uploading

    3. Hardware

      1. subtasks research: radios, BMS functions, PD, solar sense

      2. HV harnessing → 1 connector left. Needs some fixes, current sense mount. Can be done today

      3. PCS Update: capacitor research, steady progress!

  2. Operations

  • Merch interest form, fill out before February 5

  • Interviews done, ops co-op starting in a week or two
