Hello Andrea,
I hope you are doing well and staying safe during these times.
Andrea Ordean - Valet + Twin
Hello Andrea,
I hope you are doing well and staying safe during these times.
I’m Kristen, the Operations Manager for Midnight Sun. On behalf of the team, I’d like to thank you for your generous contribution to our team and MS XIV. We really appreciate your support and it will help us move one step closer to our goal of competing at the upcoming American Solar Challenge in the summer of 2021!
Even though our fundraising campaign has ended, we will not be pressing the brakes on our progress until we reach our destination. During these times, many of our members have been working remotely from various countries around the world, while others have returned to our working space on campus.
Regarding your perks, you can expect them to arrive between January to February. While we plan to ship them out before the new year, there remains the possibility of delays due to COVID-19 and the busy holiday period.
Perks to be shipped: 3D printed model of MS XIV, shot glass (x3), sunglasses (x3), poster (x3), laptop sticker pack (x3), 3D printed keychain (x3), cloth patch (x3)
Perks to be emailed: team desktop background, team phone background
Other perks: Seat dedication, name in workbay, name on battery module, ride in MS XIV
For us to proceed with the ‘other perks,’ please respond to this email with a name that we may use for the seat, workbay, and module.
Additionally, while we aim to complete MS XIV by the summer, rides in the car will most likely be postponed, depending on whether the current COVID situation improves and if University gathering policies will allow visitors on campus. We hope you understand and we will keep you updated with potential dates for this.
Lastly, I have attached a couple of photos for you - one is the render of MS XIV, and the other is a team photo from our most recent competition, FSGP 2019. Please enjoy!
We look forward to reaching the finish line with you. Thank you and have a great day!
John Bai - Valet
Hello Mr. Bai,
I hope you are doing well and staying safe during these times.
I’m Kristen, the Operations Manager for Midnight Sun. On behalf of the team, I’d like to thank you for your generous contribution to our team and MS XIV. We really appreciate your support and it will help us move one step closer to our goal of competing at the upcoming American Solar Challenge in the summer of 2021!
Even though our fundraising campaign has ended, we will not be pressing the brakes on our progress until we reach our destination. During these times, many of our members have been working remotely from various countries around the world, while others have returned to our working space on campus.
Regarding your perks, you can expect them to arrive between January to February. While we plan to ship them out before the new year, there remains the possibility of delays due to COVID-19 and the busy holiday period.
Perks to be shipped: 3D printed model of MS XIV, shot glass, sunglasses, poster, laptop sticker pack, 3D printed keychain, cloth patch
Perks to be emailed: team desktop background, team phone background
Other perks: Seat dedication, name in workbay, name on battery module, ride in MS XIV
For us to proceed with the ‘other perks,’ please respond to this email with a name that we may use for the seat, workbay, and module.
Additionally, while we aim to complete MS XIV by the summer, rides in the car will most likely be postponed, depending on whether the current COVID situation improves and if University gathering policies will allow visitors on campus. We hope you understand and we will keep you updated with potential dates for this.
Lastly, I have attached a few photos for you - one is the render of MS XIV, the other two are team photos from the two competitions Micah has attended (ASC 2018 and FSGP 2019). I would also like to thank you as a teammate of Micah - it has been a pleasure to work together with him over the last couple of years! Please enjoy!
Please also look forward to more updates on the status of our team!
We look forward to reaching the finish line with you. Thank you and have a great day!
Clarke - Valet
Hello Clarke!
It’s been a while - I hope you are doing well and staying safe during these times! Before I jump into some crowdfunding details, I just want to thank you for the amazing work you’ve done for Midnight Sun!
On behalf of the team, I’d like to thank you for your generous contribution to our team and MS XIV. We really appreciate your support and it will help us move one step closer to our goal of competing at the upcoming American Solar Challenge in the summer of 2021!
Even though our fundraising campaign has ended, we will not be pressing the brakes on our progress until we reach our destination. During these times, many of our members have been working remotely from various countries around the world, while others have returned to our working space on campus.Regarding your perks, you can expect them to arrive between January to February. While we plan to ship them out before the new year, there remains the possibility of delays due to COVID-19 and the busy holiday period.
Perks to be shipped: 3D printed model of MS XIV, shot glass, sunglasses, poster, laptop sticker pack, 3D printed keychain, cloth patch
Perks to be emailed: team desktop background, team phone background
Other perks: Seat dedication, name in workbay, name on battery module, ride in MS XIV
For us to proceed with the ‘other perks,’ please respond to this email with a name that we may use for the seat, workbay, and module.
Additionally, while we aim to complete MS XIV by the summer, rides in the car will most likely be postponed, depending on whether the current COVID situation improves and if University gathering policies will allow visitors on campus. We hope you understand and we will keep you updated with potential dates for this.
Lastly, I have attached a few photos for you - one is the render of MS XIV, the other two are team photos from the competitions you attended (ASC 2018 and FSGP 2019). Please enjoy!
Please also look forward to more updates on the status of our team!
We look forward to reaching the finish line with you. Thank you and have a great day!
Devon - Solar
Hello Devon,
I hope you are doing well and staying safe during these times! Before I jump into some crowdfunding details, I just want to thank you for the amazing work you’ve done for Midnight Sun!
We haven’t met before but I’m Kristen, the Operations Manager for Midnight Sun and the sister of Shio! I joined about a year too late but I’ve heard many stories from my brother and also attended the unveiling of MS XII. The team’s hard work on MS XII really inspired me to join Midnight Sun!
On behalf of the team, I’d like to thank you for your generous contribution to our team and MS XIV. We really appreciate your support and it will help us move one step closer to our goal of competing at the upcoming American Solar Challenge in the summer of 2021!
Even though our fundraising campaign has ended, we will not be pressing the brakes on our progress until we reach our destination. During these times, many of our members have been working remotely from various countries around the world, while others have returned to our working space on campus.
Regarding your perks, you can expect them to arrive between January to February. While we plan to ship them out before the new year, there remains the possibility of delays due to COVID-19 and the busy holiday period.
Perks to be shipped: shot glass, sunglasses, poster, laptop sticker pack, 3D printed keychain, cloth patch
Perks to be emailed: team desktop background, team phone background
Other perks: name in workbay, name on battery module
For us to proceed with the ‘other perks,’ please respond to this email with a name that we may use for the workbay and module.
Lastly, I have attached a couple of photos for you - one is the render of MS XIV, and the other is one of the team photos from the race you attended, ASC 2018. Please enjoy!
Please also look forward to more updates on the status of our team!
We look forward to reaching the finish line with you. Thank you and have a great day!
Minghao - Solar
Hello Minghao,
I hope you are doing well and staying safe during these times! Before I jump into some crowdfunding details, I just want to thank you for the amazing work you’ve done for Midnight Sun!
We haven’t met before but I’m Kristen, the Operations Manager for Midnight Sun and the sister of Shio! I joined about a year too late but I’ve heard many stories from my brother and also attended the unveiling of MS XII. The team’s hard work on MS XII really inspired me to join Midnight Sun!
On behalf of the team, I’d like to thank you for your generous contribution to our team and MS XIV. We really appreciate your support and it will help us move one step closer to our goal of competing at the upcoming American Solar Challenge in the summer of 2021!
Even though our fundraising campaign has ended, we will not be pressing the brakes on our progress until we reach our destination. During these times, many of our members have been working remotely from various countries around the world, while others have returned to our working space on campus.
Regarding your perks, you can expect them to arrive between January to February. While we plan to ship them out before the new year, there remains the possibility of delays due to COVID-19 and the busy holiday period.
Perks to be shipped: 3D printed model of MS XIV, shot glass, sunglasses, poster, laptop sticker pack, 3D printed keychain, cloth patch
Perks to be emailed: team desktop background, team phone background
Other perks: name in workbay, name on battery module
For us to proceed with the ‘other perks,’ please respond to this email with a name that we may use for the workbay and module.
Lastly, I have attached a couple of photos for you - one is the render of MS XIV, and the other is one of the team photos from the race you attended, ASC 2018. Please enjoy!
Please also look forward to more updates on the status of our team!
We look forward to reaching the finish line with you. Thank you and have a great day!
Pei - Solar
Hello Pei!
It’s been a while - I hope you are doing well and staying safe during these times! Before I jump into some crowdfunding details, I just want to thank you for the amazing work you’ve done for Midnight Sun!
On behalf of the team, I’d like to thank you for your generous contribution to our team and MS XIV. We really appreciate your support and it will help us move one step closer to our goal of competing at the upcoming American Solar Challenge in the summer of 2021!
Even though our fundraising campaign has ended, we will not be pressing the brakes on our progress until we reach our destination. During these times, many of our members have been working remotely from various countries around the world, while others have returned to our working space on campus.
Regarding your perks, you can expect them to arrive between January to February. While we plan to ship them out before the new year, there remains the possibility of delays due to COVID-19 and the busy holiday period.
Perks to be shipped: 3D printed model of MS XIV, shot glass, sunglasses, poster, laptop sticker pack, 3D printed keychain, cloth patch
Perks to be emailed: team desktop background, team phone background
Other perks: name in workbay, name on battery module
For us to proceed with the ‘other perks,’ please respond to this email with a name that we may use for the workbay and module.
Lastly, I have attached a couple of photos for you - one is the render of MS XIV, the other is a team photo from FSGP 2019. Please enjoy!
Please also look forward to more updates on the status of our team!
We look forward to reaching the finish line with you. Thank you and have a great day!
Richard Ostler - Electric
Hello Mr. Ostler,
I hope you are doing well and staying safe during these times.
I’m Kristen, the Operations Manager for Midnight Sun. On behalf of the team, I’d like to thank you for your generous contribution to our team and MS XIV. We really appreciate your support and it will help us move one step closer to our goal of competing at the upcoming American Solar Challenge in the summer of 2021!
Even though our fundraising campaign has ended, we will not be pressing the brakes on our progress until we reach our destination. During these times, many of our members have been working remotely from various countries around the world, while others have returned to our working space on campus.
Regarding your perks, you can expect them to arrive between January to February. While we plan to ship them out before the new year, there remains the possibility of delays due to COVID-19 and the busy holiday period.
Perks to be shipped: shot glass, sunglasses, poster, laptop sticker pack, 3D printed keychain, cloth patch
Perks to be emailed: team desktop background, team phone background
Other perks: name in workbay, name on battery module
For us to proceed with the ‘other perks,’ please respond to this email with a name that we may use for the workbay and module.
Lastly, I have attached a couple of photos for you - one is the render of MS XIV, the other is a team photo from our most recent competition, FSGP 2019. Also, I just want to thank you as a teammate of Mitchell - it’s been a pleasure to work with him! Please enjoy! (Unfortunately, we haven’t been able to take a more recent photo due to COVID but I would be happy to share that in the future)
Please also look forward to more updates on the status of our team!
We look forward to reaching the finish line with you. Thank you and have a great day!
Jonathan Black - Electric
Hello Mr. Black,
I hope you are doing well and staying safe during these times.
I’m Kristen, the Operations Manager for Midnight Sun. On behalf of the team, I’d like to thank you for your generous contribution to our team and MS XIV. We really appreciate your support and it will help us move one step closer to our goal of competing at the upcoming American Solar Challenge in the summer of 2021!
While Even though our fundraising campaign period has ended, we will not be pressing the brakes on our progress until we reach our destination. During these times, many of our members have been working remotely from various countries around the world, while others have returned to our working space on campus.
Regarding your perks, you can expect them to arrive between January to February. While we plan to ship them out before the new year, there remains the possibility of delays due to COVID-19 and the busy holiday period.
Perks to be received: 3D printed model of MS XIV, shipped: shot glass, sunglasses, poster, laptop sticker pack, 3D printed keychain, cloth patch
Perks to be emailed: team desktop background, team phone background
Other perks: Seat dedication, name in workbay, name on battery module, ride in MS XIV
For us to proceed with the ‘other perks,’ please respond to this email with a name that we may use for the seat, workbay, and module. Additionally, while we aim to complete MS XIV by the summer, rides in the car will most likely be postponed, depending on whether the current COVID situation improves and if University gathering policies will allow visitors on campus. We hope you understand and we will keep you updated with potential dates for thisplease respond to this email with a name that we may use for the workbay and module.
Lastly, I have attached a couple of photos for you - one is the render of MS XIV, and the other is a team photo from our most recent competition, FSGP 2019. Please enjoythe competition Micah attended, FSGP 2019. Also, I just want to thank you as a teammate of Micah - it’s been a pleasure to work with him over the last couple of years! Please enjoy!
Please also look forward to more updates on the status of our team!
We look forward to reaching the finish line with you. Thank you and have a great day!
Jose -
Hello Mr. Bai,Jose!
It’s been a while - I hope you are doing well and staying safe during these times.I’m Kristen, the Operations Manager ! Before I jump into some crowdfunding details, I just want to thank you for the amazing work you’ve done for Midnight Sun. !
On behalf of the team, I’d like to thank you for your generous contribution to our team and MS XIV. We really appreciate your support and it will help us move one step closer to our goal of competing at the next upcoming American Solar Challenge !
Additionally, I just want to thank you as a teammate of Micah! It’s been a pleasure to work with Micah over the last couple of years!
While in the summer of 2021!
Even though our fundraising campaign period has ended, we will not be pressing the brakes on our progress until we reach our destination. During these times, many of our members have been working remotely from various countries around the world, while others have returned to our working space on campus.
Regarding your perks, you can expect them to arrive between January to February. While we plan to ship them out before the new year, there remains the possibility of delays due to COVID-19 and the busy holiday period.
Perks to be received: 3D printed model of MS XIV, shipped: shot glass, sunglasses, poster, laptop sticker pack, 3D printed keychain, cloth patch
Perks to be emailed: team desktop background, team phone background
Other perks: Seat dedication, name in workbay, name on battery module, ride in MS XIV
For us to proceed with the ‘other perks,’ please respond to this email with a name that we may use for the seat, workbay , and module.
Additionally, while we aim to complete MS XIV by the summer, rides in the car will most likely be postponed, depending on whether the current COVID situation improves and if University gathering policies will allow visitors on campus. We hope you understand and we will keep you updated with potential dates for this.
Lastly, I have attached a few photos for you - one is the render of MS XIV, the other two are team photos from the two competitions Micah has attended (ASC 2018 and FSGP 2019). Please enjoy!
Please also look forward to more updates on the status of our team!
We look forward to reaching the finish line with you. Thank you and have a great day!
Clarke - Valet
Hello Clarke!
It’s been a while - I hope you are doing well and staying safe during these times! Before I jump into some crowdfunding details, I just want to thank you for the amazing work you’ve done for Midnight Sun!
On behalf of the team, I’d like to thank you for your generous contribution to our team and MS XIV. We really appreciate your support and it will help us move one step closer to our goal of competing at the next American Solar Challenge!
While our fundraising campaign period has ended, we will not be pressing the brakes on our progress until we reach our destination. During these times, many of our members have been working remotely from various countries around the world, while others have returned to our working space on campus.
Regarding your perks, you can expect them to arrive between January to February. While we plan to ship them out before the new year, there remains the possibility of delays due to COVID-19 and the busy holiday period.
Perks to be received: 3D printed model of MS XIV, shot glass, sunglasses, poster, laptop sticker pack, 3D printed keychain, cloth patch
Perks to be emailed: team desktop background, team phone background
Other perks: Seat dedication, name in workbay, name on battery module, ride in MS XIV
For us to proceed with the ‘other perks,’ please respond to this email with a name that we may use for the seat, workbay, and module.
Additionally, while we aim to complete MS XIV by the summer, rides in the car will most likely be postponed, depending on whether the current COVID situation improves and if University gathering policies will allow visitors on campus. We hope you understand and we will keep you updated with potential dates for this.
Lastly, I have attached a few Lastly, I have attached a couple of photos for you - one is the render of MS XIV, the other is a team photo from the competition you attended, FSGP 2019. Please enjoy!
Please also look forward to more updates on the status of our team!
We look forward to reaching the finish line with you. Thank you and have a great day!
Taiping - Twin
Hello Taiping!
It’s been a while - I hope you are doing well and staying safe during these times! Before I jump into some crowdfunding details, I just want to thank you for the amazing work you’ve done for Midnight Sun!
On behalf of the team, I’d like to thank you for your generous contribution to our team and MS XIV. We really appreciate your support and it will help us move one step closer to our goal of competing at the upcoming American Solar Challenge in the summer of 2021!
Even though our fundraising campaign has ended, we will not be pressing the brakes on our progress until we reach our destination. During these times, many of our members have been working remotely from various countries around the world, while others have returned to our working space on campus.
Regarding your perks, you can expect them to arrive between January to February. While we plan to ship them out before the new year, there remains the possibility of delays due to COVID-19 and the busy holiday period.
Perks to be shipped (x2): shot glass, sunglasses, poster, laptop sticker pack, 3D printed keychain, cloth patch
Perks to be emailed: team desktop background, team phone background
Lastly, I have attached a few photos for you - one is the render of MS XIV, the other two are team photos from the competitions you attended (FSGP 2019 and ASC 2018). Please enjoy!
Please also look forward to more updates on the status of our team!
We look forward to reaching the finish line with you. Thank you and have a great day!
Kaitlyn McCluskie, Mario Chenier - Twin
Hello _____,
I hope you are doing well and staying safe during these times.
I’m Kristen, the Operations Manager for Midnight Sun. On behalf of the team, I’d like to thank you for your generous contribution to our team and MS XIV. We really appreciate your support and it will help us move one step closer to our goal of competing at the upcoming American Solar Challenge in the summer of 2021!
Even though our fundraising campaign has ended, we will not be pressing the brakes on our progress until we reach our destination. During these times, many of our members have been working remotely from various countries around the world, while others have returned to our working space on campus.
Regarding your perks, you can expect them to arrive between January to February. While we plan to ship them out before the new year, there remains the possibility of delays due to COVID-19 and the busy holiday period.
Perks to be shipped (x2): shot glass, sunglasses, poster, laptop sticker pack, 3D printed keychain, cloth patch
Perks to be emailed: team desktop background, team phone background
Lastly, I have attached a couple of photos for you - one is the render of MS XIV, the other two are is a team photos from the competitions you attended (ASC 2018 and FSGP 2019)photo from our most recent competition, FSGP 2019. Please enjoy!
Please also look forward to more updates on the status of our team!
We look forward to reaching the finish line with you. Thank you and have a great day!
Sheily Mali -
Hello DevonMrs. Mali,
I hope you are doing well and staying safe during these times! Before I jump into some crowdfunding details, I just want to thank you for the amazing work you’ve done for Midnight Sun!We haven’t met before but well and staying safe during these times.
I’m Kristen, the Operations Manager for Midnight Sun and the sister of Shio! I joined about a year too late but I’ve heard many stories from my brother and also attended the unveiling of MS XII. The team’s hard work on MS XII really inspired me to join Midnight Sun! On behalf of the team, I’d like to thank you for your generous contribution to our team and MS XIV. We really appreciate your support and it will help us move one step closer to our goal of competing at the next upcoming American Solar Challenge in the summer of 2021!
While Even though our fundraising campaign period has ended, we will not be pressing the brakes on our progress until we reach our destination. During these times, many of our members have been working remotely from various countries around the world, while others have returned to our working space on campus.
Regarding your perks, you can expect them to arrive between January to February. While we plan to ship them out before the new year, there remains the possibility of delays due to COVID-19 and the busy holiday period.
Perks to be shipped (x2): shot glass, sunglasses, poster, laptop sticker pack, 3D printed keychain, cloth patch
Perks to be emailed: team desktop background, team phone background
Other perks: name in workbay, name on battery module
For us to proceed with the ‘other perks,’ please respond to this email with a name that we may use for the workbay and module.
Lastly, I have attached a couple of photos for you - one is the render of MS XIV, and the other is one of the a team photos photo from the race you attended, ASC 2018. competition Aashmika attended, FSGP 2019. Also, I just want to thank you as a teammate of Aashmika - it’s been a pleasure to work with her over the last couple of years! Please enjoy!
Please also look forward to more updates on the status of our team!
We look forward to reaching the finish line with you. Thank you and have a great day!
Kristen Lott -
Team Swag
Hello MinghaoMrs. Lott,
I hope you are doing well and staying safe during these times! Before I jump into some crowdfunding details, I just want to thank you for the amazing work you’ve done for Midnight Sun!
We haven’t met before but I’m Kristen, the Operations Manager for Midnight Sun and the sister of Shio! I joined about a year too late but I’ve heard many stories from my brother and also attended the unveiling of MS XII. The team’s hard work on MS XII really inspired me to join Midnight Sun!
well and staying safe during these times.
I’m Kristen, the Operations Manager for Midnight Sun. On behalf of the team, I’d like to thank you for your generous contribution to our team and MS XIV. We really appreciate your support and it will help us move one step closer to our goal of competing at the next upcoming American Solar Challenge in the summer of 2021!
While Even though our fundraising campaign period has ended, we will not be pressing the brakes on our progress until we reach our destination. During these times, many of our members have been working remotely from various countries around the world, while others have returned to our working space on campus.
Regarding your perks, you can expect them to arrive between January to February. While we plan to ship them out before the new year, there remains the possibility of delays due to COVID-19 and the busy holiday period.
Perks to be shipped: 3D printed model of MS XIV, shot glass, sunglasses, poster, laptop sticker pack, 3D printed keychain, cloth patch
Perks to be emailed: team desktop background, team phone background
Other perks: name in workbay, name on battery module
For us to proceed with the ‘other perks,’ please respond to this email with a name that we may use for the workbay and module., cloth patch
Perks to be emailed: team desktop background, team phone background
Lastly, I have attached a couple of photos for you - one is the render of MS XIV, and the other is one of the a team photos from the race you attended, ASC 2018. photo from our most recent competition, FSGP 2019. Also, I just want to thank you as a teammate of Ryan - it’s been a pleasure to work with him! Please enjoy!
Please also look forward to more updates on the status of our team!
We look forward to reaching the finish line with you. Thank you and have a great day!
Tak -
Team Swag
Hello Pei!Tak,
It’s been a while - I hope you are doing well and staying safe during these times! Before I jump into some crowdfunding details, I just want to thank you for the amazing work you’ve done for Midnight Sun!Thank you again for the help and advice you’ve given Catherine and I. Catherine has officially transitioned into the PM role and I’ve become the Operations Manager.
On behalf of the team, I’d like to thank you for your generous contribution to our team and MS XIVsupport in backing the development of our newest solar car, MSXIV, especially in light of current times. We really appreciate your support and it will help us move one step closer to our goal of competing at the next upcoming American Solar Challenge in the summer of 2021!
While Even though our fundraising campaign period has ended, we will not be pressing the brakes on our progress until we reach our destination. During these times, many of our members have been working remotely from various countries around the world, while others have returned to our working space on campus.
Regarding your perks, you can expect them to arrive between January to February. While we plan to ship them out before the new year, there remains the possibility of delays due to COVID-19 and the busy holiday period.
Perks to be received: 3D printed model of MS XIV, shipped: shot glass, sunglasses, poster, laptop sticker pack, 3D printed keychain, cloth patch
Perks to be emailed: team desktop background, team phone background
Other perks: name in workbay, name on battery module
For us to proceed with the ‘other perks,’ please respond to this email with a name that we may use for the workbay and module.
Lastly, I have attached a couple of photos for you - one is the render of MS XIV, the other is a team photo from FSGP 2019the competition you attended, ASC 2018. Please enjoy!
Please also look forward to more updates on the status of our team!
We look forward to reaching the finish line with you. Thank you and have a great day!
Aleem Dhanji -
Hello Mr. OstlerAleem,
I hope you are doing well and staying safe during these times.
I’m Kristen, the Operations Manager for Midnight Sun. On behalf of the team, I’d like to thank you for your generous contribution to our team and MS XIV. We really appreciate your support and it will help us move one step closer to our goal of competing at the next upcoming American Solar Challenge !
Additionally, I just want to thank you as a teammate of Mitchell! It’s been a pleasure to work with Mitchell!
While in the summer of 2021!
Even though our fundraising campaign period has ended, we will not be pressing the brakes on our progress until we reach our destination. During these times, many of our members have been working remotely from various countries around the world, while others have returned to our working space on campus.
Regarding your perks, you can expect them to arrive between January to February. While we plan to ship them out before the new year, there remains the possibility of delays due to COVID-19 and the busy holiday period.
Perks to be received: shot glass, sunglasses, poster, shipped: laptop sticker pack, 3D printed keychain, cloth patch
Perks to be emailed: team desktop background, team phone background
Other perks: name in workbay, name on battery module
For us to proceed with the ‘other perks,’ please respond to this email with a name that we may use for the workbay and module.emailed: team desktop background, team phone background
Lastly, I have attached a couple of photos for you - one is the render of MS XIV, and the other is a team photo from our most recent competition, FSGP 2019. Please enjoy! (Unfortunately, we haven’t been able to take a more recent photo due to COVID but I would be happy to share that in the future)
Please also look forward to more updates on the status of our team!
We look forward to reaching the finish line with you. Thank you and have a great day!
Queenie -
Hello Mr. BlackQueenie,
It’s been a while - I hope you are doing well and staying safe during these times.I’m Kristen, the Operations Manager for Midnight Sun. ! Also, just want to say that I love the illustrations you’ve been doing recently - they’re amazing!
On behalf of the team, I’d like to thank you for your generous contribution to our team and MS XIV. We really appreciate your support and it will help us move one step closer to our goal of competing at the next upcoming American Solar Challenge !
Additionally, I just want to thank you as a teammate of Micah! It’s been a pleasure to work with Micah over the last couple of years!
While in the summer of 2021!
Even though our fundraising campaign period has ended, we will not be pressing the brakes on our progress until we reach our destination. During these times, many of our members have been working remotely from various countries around the world, while others have returned to our working space on campus.
Regarding your perks, you can expect them to arrive between January to February. While we plan to ship them out before the new year, there remains the possibility of delays due to COVID-19 and the busy holiday period.
Perks to be received: shot glass, sunglasses, poster, shipped: laptop sticker pack, 3D printed keychain, cloth patch
Perks to be emailed: team desktop background, team phone background
Other perks: name in workbay, name on battery module
For us to proceed with the ‘other perks,’ please respond to this email with a name that we may use for the workbay and module. team desktop background, team phone background
Lastly, I have attached a couple of few photos for you - one is the render of MS XIV, and the other is a two are team photo photos from the competition Micah competitions you attended , (FSGP 2019 and ASC 2018). Please enjoy!
Please also look forward to more updates on the status of our team!
We look forward to reaching the finish line with you. Thank you and have a great day!
Alex Ezzat -
Hello Jose!It’s been a while - Alex,
I hope you are doing well and staying safe during these times! Before I jump into some crowdfunding details, I just want to thank you for the amazing work you’ve done for Midnight Sun!these times! And wow, we’re thrilled to have received support from UBC Solar. We hope your team is doing well!
I’m Kristen, the Operations Manager for Midnight Sun. On behalf of the team, I’d like to thank you for your generous contribution to our team and MS XIV. We really appreciate your support and it will help us move one step closer to our goal of competing at the next upcoming American Solar Challenge in the summer of 2021!
While Even though our fundraising campaign period has ended, we will not be pressing the brakes on our progress until we reach our destination. During these times, many of our members have been working remotely from various countries around the world, while others have returned to our working space on campus.
Regarding your perks, you can expect them to arrive between January to February. While we plan to ship them out before the new year, there remains the possibility of delays due to COVID-19 and the busy holiday period.
Perks to be received: shot glass, sunglasses, poster, shipped: laptop sticker pack, 3D printed keychain, cloth patch
Perks to be emailed: team desktop background, team phone background
Other perks: name in workbay, name on battery module
For us to proceed with the ‘other perks,’ please respond to this email with a name that we may use for the workbay and module.
Perks to be emailed: team desktop background, team phone background
Lastly, I have attached a couple of photos for you - one is the render of MS XIV, and the other is a our team photo from the competition you attended, FSGP 2019. Please enjoy!
Please also look forward to more updates on the status of our team! Also, feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or just want to chat at any time - always happy to help, from one solar car team to another!
We look forward to reaching the finish line with you. Thank you and have a great day!
Victor Wong -
Hello Taiping!It’s been a while - Victor,
I hope you are doing well and staying safe during these times! Before I jump into some crowdfunding details, I just want to thank you for the amazing work you’ve done for Midnight Sun!
On behalf of the team, I’d like to thank you for your generous contribution to our team and MS XIV. We really appreciate your support and it will help us move one step closer to our goal of competing at the next American Solar Challenge!
While our fundraising campaign period has ended, we will not be pressing the brakes on our progress until we reach our destination. During these times, many of our members have been working remotely from various countries around the world, while others have returned to our working space on campus.
Regarding your perks, you can expect them to arrive between January to February. While we plan to ship them out before the new year, there remains the possibility of delays due to COVID-19 and the busy holiday period.
Perks to be received (x2): shot glass, sunglasses, poster, laptop sticker pack, 3D printed keychain, cloth patch
Perks to be emailed: team desktop background, team phone background
Lastly, I have attached a few photos for you - one is the render of MS XIV, the other two are team photos from the competitions you attended (FSGP 2019 and ASC 2018). Please enjoy!
Please also look forward to more updates on the status of our team!
We look forward to reaching the finish line with you. Thank you and have a great day!
Kaitlyn McCluskie - Twin
Hello Ms. McCluckie,
I hope you are doing well and staying safe during these times.
I’m Kristen, the Operations Manager for Midnight Sun. On behalf of the team, I’d like to thank you for your generous contribution to our team and MS XIV. We really appreciate your support and it will help us move one step closer to our goal of competing at the next American Solar Challenge!
While our fundraising campaign period has ended, we will not be pressing the brakes on our progress until we reach our destination. During these times, many of our members have been working remotely from various countries around the world, while others have returned to our working space on campus.
Regarding your perks, you can expect them to arrive between January to February. While we plan to ship them out before the new year, there remains the possibility of delays due to COVID-19 and the busy holiday period.
Perks to be received (x2): shot glass, sunglasses, poster, laptop sticker pack, 3D printed keychain, cloth patch
Perks to be emailed: team desktop background, team phone background
Lastly, I have attached a couple of photos for you - one is the render of MS XIV, the other is a team photo from our most recent competition, FSGP 2019. Please enjoy!
Please also look forward to more updates on the status of our team!
We look forward to reaching the finish line with you. Thank you and have a great day!
Hello Tak,
It’s been a while - I hope you are doing well and staying safe during these times! Thank you again for the help and advice you’ve given Catherine and I. Catherine has officially transitioned into the PM role and I’ve been helping out with Operations.
On behalf of the team, I’d like to thank you for your generous support in backing the development of our newest solar car, MSXIV, especially in light of current times. We really appreciate your help and are now one step closer to our goal of competing at the next American Solar Challenge!
While our fundraising campaign period has ended, we will not be pressing the brakes on our progress until we reach our destination. During these times, many of our members have been working remotely from various countries around the world, while others have returned to our working space on campus.times.
I’m Kristen, the Operations Manager for Midnight Sun. On behalf of the team, I’d like to thank you for your generous contribution to our team and MS XIV. We really appreciate your support and it will help us move one step closer to our goal of competing at the upcoming American Solar Challenge in the summer of 2021!
Even though our fundraising campaign has ended, we will not be pressing the brakes on our progress until we reach our destination. During these times, many of our members have been working remotely from various countries around the world, while others have returned to our working space on campus.
Regarding your perks, you can expect them to arrive between January to February. While we plan to ship them out before the new year, there remains the possibility of delays due to COVID-19 and the busy holiday period.
Perks to be shipped: laptop sticker pack, 3D printed keychain, cloth patch
Perks to be emailed: team desktop background, team phone background
Lastly, I have attached a couple of photos for you - one is the render of MS XIV, and the other is our team photo from FSGP 2019. Please enjoy!
Please also look forward to more updates on the status of our team!
We look forward to reaching the finish line with you. Thank you and have a great day!
Rajesh Uttamchandani - Souvenir
Hello Mr. Uttamchandani,
I hope you are doing well and staying safe during these times.
I’m Kristen, the Operations Manager for Midnight Sun. On behalf of the team, I’d like to thank you for your generous contribution to our team and MS XIV. We really appreciate your support and it will help us move one step closer to our goal of competing at the upcoming American Solar Challenge in the summer of 2021!
Even though our fundraising campaign has ended, we will not be pressing the brakes on our progress until we reach our destination. During these times, many of our members have been working remotely from various countries around the world, while others have returned to our working space on campus.
Regarding your perks, you can expect them to arrive between January to February. While we plan to ship them out before the new year, there remains the possibility of delays due to COVID-19 and the busy holiday period.
Perks to be shipped: laptop sticker pack, 3D printed keychain, cloth patch
Perks to be emailed: team desktop background, team phone background
Lastly, I have attached a couple of photos for you - one is the render of MS XIV, and the other is our team photo from FSGP 2019. Please enjoy!
Please also look forward to more updates on the status of our team!
We look forward to reaching the finish line with you. Thank you and have a great day!
General Team Member
Hello ______,
I hope you have been doing well this term!
Thank you for your generous support in backing the development of MSXIV, especially in light of current times. Your help is greatly appreciated!
Regarding your perks, you can expect them to arrive between January to February. While we plan to ship them out before the new year, there remains the possibility of delays due to COVID-19 and the busy holiday period.
Perks to be emailed: team desktop background, team phone background
Lastly, I have attached a couple of photos for you - one is the render of MS XIV, the other is a team photo from the competition you attended, FSGP 2019. Please enjoy!Please also look forward to more updates on the status of our team!
We look forward to reaching the finish line with you. Thank you again and have a great day!