- Voice - Writing Style, third/first person, refer the team to ‘we’
Catherine Cai Distinguish which should be first and which should be third person - Tone - Engagement, Audience
- Type (posts, reports, etc.)
- SEO, marketing writing best practices
- include: Make the understanding of technical concepts (jargon) accessible, explain the obvious [Writing Tips / Writing Style Guide]
- Examples - Look into a DO’s and DONT’s list
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Logos (Steven Poung ), Ryan Lott | Draft by June 6th
- Types of logos (emblem, full logo, car logos)
- How logos should be used (i.e. dark backgrounds, swag - colour considerations)
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- Dos and don’ts (e.g., don’t stretch our logo)
Colours (Steven Poung ), Ryan Lott | Draft by June 6th
- Outline our primary colours and how they should be used
- Look into extending our colour palette (to make things brighter since right now it’s a lil bit dull),
provisionally into the yellows (side-meeting, get critique during a work session) - Brainstorm Colour names?
Dos and don’ts(e.g, use our specific colour and SRGB profile) → confluence documentation
Typography & Spacing (Kristen Emiko Shiozaki (Deactivated) ) | Draft by June 6th
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- H1, H2, H3, Body, Footnote ( + relations to Squarespace)
- Font choices, sizes, weights
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- Do’s & Dont’s (stretching, leading [line spacing], kerning [letter spacing])
Videography/Photography Guidelines
- When to take photos (work sessions, FSGP, ASC, track days)
- What to consider when taking them (social media post topics)
- Position and framing - spacing between elements and orientation (could be dependent on posts)
- Lighting?
Possible Other Misc. Things:
(The more technical things will probably be offloaded to Confluence.)
- Light / Dark modes
- Accessibility a la Micah Bai 's colour blindness : p
#EveryoneHasAccessibilityNeeds - Print / web modes
- File / format consistency
- Tools / software consistency
- Overarching core values