- All mounting holes are kept away from the edge of the board
- There is adequate support for all the heavy components and connector plugs
- Large boards should have more than 4 mounting points
- Make sure that edge mounting holes are about 2.7mm radius an are at least 3mm away from each edge. Lock these components after placement
Unless higher current is required, under special circumstances
- Easy attachment point for an oscilloscope probe GND - test points with the ‘test point’ part from digikey work well
- Make sure there are enough GND test points!
- Headers and pins for all communication protocols - for now, 0.1" headers, to standardize on a debug connector
Board - Vias
- For 2-layer boards, all vias >= 0.3mm hole, 0.6mm diameter
- For 4-layer boards, all vias >= 0.2mm hole, 0.45mm diameter
- Make sure vias do not interfere with internal layers (DRC should catch this)
- Thermal vias should be small and numerous - we want the greatest surface area between planes as possible
- For critical power traces, use multiple vias in parallel to reduce inductance and resistance
- In general for vias, make the diameter 2x the size of the hole.
Board - Layers
- Make sure there is a keep out layer surrounding your board.
- Make sure all these layers are selected when generating your gerbers.
- All components are labeled in a logical manner
- Connectors are labelled
- MSXIV Logo is on the board
- Correct board Rev is listed
- Pin 1 labeled on all ICs
- Ensure bottom silkscreen is mirrored
- Optional parts (such as CAN termination) is labeled
- Ensure all polarized components are labelled
- Double-check all of silkscreen in 3D mode