Gerber Checklist for Charger Interface MSXIV
Block Diagram to follow the function of the board and quickly understand
Board - Traces
Run DRC to verify spacing, make sure all traces are connected and find any net antenna. (All silk errors are not important as long as the silkscreen is thoroughly verified already for spacing).
Make sure to set the rules for trace widths to be relevant for the max and min for your board.
Check for any right angles in tracks
Does not make a difference in performance, but looks terrible
Check thickness of traces
Any high current traces should be sized appropriately
Go through the high current path through the board, around all components, etc. to make sure that there are no thin traces
Make sure there are absolutely no acute angles between traces and traces, and traces and pads.
Ensure differential signals (CAN, isoSPI) run parallel and as close together as possible
Board - Copper
Keep the copper away from the very edge of the board
Copper to the edge or of the board can cause shorts along the side of the board
copper layer could peel up
Increases the chance of corrosion on the exposed copper
Make sure there are no right angles in poly pours or solid regions - could act as antenna otherwise.
Board - Mounting
All mounting holes are kept away from the edge of the board
There is adequate support for all the heavy components and connector plugs
Large boards should have more than 4 mounting points
Make sure that edge mounting holes are about 2.7mm radius an are at least 3mm away from each edge. Lock these components after placement
Board - Connectors
All power input connectors are 2-pin Molex Micro Fit (with the correct GND/PWR orientation)
Unless higher current is required, under special circumstances
Board - Vias
Board - Layers
After Generating Gerbers