Interest in attending IEF conference? Solar Car Conference (Online option and in person option)
Fall Open House : Did we not sign up for volunteers? If anyone is going to be hear, let me(Aden) know so I can let Kelsey/Abby(faculty staff) know
January 17-19 at Illinois State University
Resume Reviews + 1 on 1s
Assigned new member tickets for I2C, SPI, ADC and RTOS wrapper libraries for MS16
Debugged UART, still unsure if it is hardware or firmware issue.
Resuming battery test work, finalizing scripts and validating AFEs before charging pack for next weekend
Resume Reviews + 1 on 1s
PVDR review and submit by EOW
System Development folders in Bild
all good for R&D materials/resources?
all good for R&D materials/resources?
MS15.5 enclosure removal design review - after finals
Hydraulic parking brake set to purchase by EOT
Weef + Dean’s funding applied for
EngSoc got back and is just asking some questions about FSGP 2024 (how it went, how Engsoc funding could help improve)
Team entry form sent
Participation agreement
Peter wants to completely avoid asking the Dean for her to sign any documents → he proposed that he take on her role as sort of the “head-decision maker” while Graeme becomes our Faculty advisor (Peter can’t do both roles). He mentioned he was going to talk to Graeme, and I’ll be talking with him as well next week → any questions you guys would like me to ask pls let me know (ex. how is this going to impact leads if they want any advice etc.)