Milestone | Owner | Deadline | Status | Redesign Rear Brake Caliper Mount | Jonathan Xie | | Reconfigure mount for Parking Brake Caliper | Ahnaf Mamun | Buy Parking Brake Caliper Lever + Lines | Anupam Sahoo |
Assemble steering by End of Next Week | | Machine bracket to limit movement for brake pedal | |
Find Housing (machined by Forest) Carmelli | | | |
Steering - Drill 2 holes in center bar Carmelli
- drill hole in steering arm
- edge find on 2 axis -> plane of welded plates, very tight tolerancing
- get a drill bit for position (get machinist square and make sure
- Jig for weld for centre bar plate Caleb Mengistu
- Chopsticks cut to length
- Control arms need to be grinded a bit (sand down)
- Remove shock, try a bunch of different positions to see if wheel hits control arm at other heights
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Tie Rod Welding - Call Nate Roberts (nano guy) to approve of design before sending it off to Rob to weld Carmelli
- Reweld tube to master cylinder mount Carmelli
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RSU - Routing brake lines to brake pedal
- Machine Spacers
- Rear Caliper Mount Redesign
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Brakes - Brake pedal fixed - 1/4in metal @ samson,wobble fix
- Hand lever needs to be put in car @ jaiden cut holes into floor panels
- Routing brake lines to parking brake @ ahnaf
- Parking brake caliper attached to steering arm
- Shave off part of diameter for pistons so there is more distance between threads
Where tf is steering column bearing..
- Bleed brakes, buy brake cables
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FSU - Plug the UCA/LCA, weld, cut
- Shock clevis Interference
- Cut upright spacer bushings (use calipers to measure, subtract width of a TimKen bearing) Carmelli
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Wheels - inflate last wheel
- 5th rim? → E3? 5k? pain
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What interferes when you steer?
UCA/LCA with rim
LCA shock clevis
Cenrebar hits chassis/bolt
Parking Brake Mount\
portion behind upright is 18, portion in front is 14
Reference materials