- Preheat the board to bring the board up to temp to reduce the chance of cold solder joints if the whole joint is not up to temp. This is done in the preheat section of the reflow profile
- Don't make the preheat period too long or else all of the flux will dry out
- Every component usually has a recommended reflow profile in the datasheet (or at least max temps), as well as the solder paste
- We will follow the recommendation for the solder paste, as this
- Three power levels can be set (preheat, heat, and solder) the user can change the temperature of each level and set how long the temperature will be held forĀ
- Note that this time does not include the time to get up to said temperature
Fill this out with the definitions for the various heating times for the Qinsi QS-5100
I do not believe that the rate of heat rise of cooling is controllable from the settings, just the time that it stays at the set temperature.