Attend Firmware 101
Every term we hold an introductory training session to tell people what we’re all about. If you’re still not convinced what team you want to be a part of, this is a great place to start. Check Elec-firmware for updates on when this will be taking place, or take a look at previous notes (Firmware 101 - Getting Started ) if you want to get ahead
Background learning
There are several tools/technologies we use to help us run a mean, clean software organization. These are:
Shell Environments (Linux)
C programming
If you don’t have a lot of experience with these, luckily we have Midnight-Sun-specific Shell Environments, Git, and C Programming videos creates by the legendary Arshan Khanifar (a retired firmware lead). Tutorial Videos There is also the page: C Reference for Midnight Sun Firmware Team and lots of resources available online.
Get your environment set up with Module 1 of Software 101. Setup
Attend Firmware 102-105 104 (held weekly):
Each session has a live component (training session), as well as supplementary notes and homework. They are all contained in Firmware 102 Notes- Embedded Systems . Feel free to read/work ahead if you’re feeling ambitious 🤩
After you have completed Firmware 103104 (and the homework) you are ready for your first task!
Reach out to one of the leads, and they will assign you something on Jira. You are now ready to start contributing!