Adams (Automated Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical Systems) by MSC Software/Hexagon
Engineers can evaluate and manage the complex interactions between disciplines including motion, structures, actuation, and controls to better optimize product designs for performance, safety, and comfort.
Along with extensive analysis capabilities, Adams is optimized for large-scale problems, taking advantage of high performance computing environments.
Utilizing multibody dynamics solution technology, Adams runs nonlinear dynamics in a fraction of the time required by FEA solutions.
Loads and forces computed by Adams simulations improve the accuracy of FEA by providing better assessment of how they vary throughout a full range of motion and operating environments.
Student version of MSC Adams is free but a license is required for running extensions like Adams car, drivenAdams Tire, tire etc.
Simulation software is free for ASC and WSC teams (application required)
CarSim/SuspensionSim by Mechanical Simulation
CarSim is a software tool for simulating the dynamic behavior of passenger vehicles and light-duty trucks.
It uses 3D multibody dynamics models to accurately reproduce the physics of the vehicle in response to controls from the driver and/or automation: steering, throttle, braking, and gear shifting.
Environmental conditions include a 3D ground/road surface as well as aerodynamic and wind effects.
High Fidelity Vehicle Models: CarSim includes detailed math models for all combinations of vehicles with independent, solid axle, and twist beam suspensions. Optional features in the math models add degrees of freedom to handle one and two axle trailers, flexible chassis frames, and flexible powertrain mounts.
Modular Vehicle Definition: automobile sub-systems are defined with parameters and tables that can be obtained from published data, engineering tools, and test rigs. When data is not available, you can use the real-world data provided in our sample datasets. CarSim’s modular, parameter-based design approach lets you modify parameters and run simulations any time during the design cycle.\
Automobile Performance Metrics: CarSim provides open-loop and closedloop driver models with advanced features to help engineers quickly discover a vehicle’s limit capabilities or its optimal path through a complex maneuver. These technologies are demanded by manufactures who must certify compliance with worldwide ISO and ECE stability control regulations.
CarSim Applications: ABS Braking, Electronic Stability Control, Adaptive Cruise Control, Active Suspensions, Electronic Power Steering, Rollover Detection, Hybrid Powertrains, Fuel Economy Studies
Simcenter by Siemens
Accelerate the design of robust chassis components and subsystems like steering and braking, shock absorbers, active roll stabilizer bars and any mechatronic system related to chassis. Our scalable, multi-disciplinary modeling platform and its off-the-shelve templates help you assess technology risks that result from chassis electrification, and use the most appropriate level of detail according to your simulation needs and available parameters. Simcenter helps you integrate these systems within the vehicle, and validate control strategies.
Effectively predict vehicle dynamics performance and accelerate decision-making on vehicle layout using a modular and scalable approach that provides increased modeling relevance for early phases of vehicle design. A template-based, easy-to-use modeling approach enables you to run simulations faster than real time for controls validation. This modeling continuity closes the gap between vehicle mechanical engineering and controls engineering, increasing system quality and avoiding late problems that impact time-to-market.
Student software available I think?
Automotive Simulation Models (ASM) - Vehicle Dynamics by dSPACE
The ASMs are a tool suite which consists of simulation models for automotive applications that can be combined as needed.
The models support a wide spectrum of simulations, starting with individual components like combustion engines or electric motors, to vehicle dynamics systems, up to complex virtual traffic scenarios.
The models can be handled easily and intuitively with ModelDesk, the graphical user interface.
For realistic vehicle simulation, the vehicle model is designed as a multibody system. The model consists of elements such as a drivetrain with elastic shafts, a table-based engine, two semi-empirical tire models, a nonlinear table-based vehicle suspension model with kinematics and compliance, a steering model, and aerodynamics.
An environment with a road, maneuvers, and an open- and closed-loop driver is included as well. All parameters can be altered during run time.
To simulate brake systems, models of a dual-circuit hydraulics system and a pneumatics system are available as add-ons.
Discounted education packages exist
Adams and CarSim/SuspensionSim are strong contenders due to student and design team discounts and their wide range of features. Both also look more accessible and user friendly.