Solar Array/Collector Summary:
Data Sheets (4.2.B):
Solar cell type and Manufacturer
Estimated peak solar collector power in driving configuration (overhead sun, clear sky)
PVDR (5.1):
Report needs:
An overview of the electrical approach to the solar vehicle
Solar cell approval form
VDR (5.2)
Report needs to include technical documents for solar cells to be submitted to headquarters for approval.
Electrical System Technical Report (5.2.C):
Part of the VDR, a functional system diagram and rough schematic showing all essential power circuits and electrical equipment including solar array of the solar car in schematic form.
o Regeneration devices included
Solar Cell Tech Report (5.2F):
All solar cells must be approved by Headquarters. Solar cell tech reports must be submitted to Headquarters as part of the Vehicle Design Report
Each team must provide a copy of the manufacturer’s solar cell specification sheet, copy of invoice for all solar cells included, and a solar cell approval form with the following solar cell information in the tech report:
o Manufacturer’s name and contact information
o Stock number, type, or description Manufacturer’s quote for cell area (cm^2)
o Manufacturer’s quote for performance
o Cost (US$) per cell Cell area (cm^2)
o A detailed layout map of the vehicle, showing all cell types/sizes and locations, as well as calculations of total area
Power (8):
Natural solar radiation from solar collector is the only source of energy that can be used to propel our car. (can use recovered energy from the motion of the vehicle after)
Solar collector
o Cell type and area limits (area is calculated based on manufacturers definition of total are):
§ Type 1: Silicone based solar cells (4.000 m^2)
§ Type 2: Thin film GaAs (3.560 m^2)
§ Type 3: multi-junction (2.640 m^2)
o Concentrators (reflectors or lenses) can be used but cannot exceed limit area defined above. Concentrator photovoltaic solar collectors must be reviewed by HQ first, but external irradiance amplification devices are prohibited.
o Teams cannot use more than 6 cell types/sizes (hybrids also need to be cleared by HQ)
o Solar collector must be attached entirely to car and self supported, and can only be reconfigured when stationary.
o 5 gallons of room temp water can be used to clean cells.
Array Attachment (10.1.C):
Two independent methods to connect solar connector
Charging Areas (12.20)
Designated areas are provided, and non-staged stopping to charge is teams responsibility
Penalties (15):
If non solar charging occurs, team will get DQ’d
Oversized solar collectors will be penalized 15 miles/day per excess 1000 cm^2, anything less but still oversized will be minimum 2 miles/day.
Mechanical Report (Appendix F.):
Isometric drawing of body and solar collector need to be included
Solar Cell Report (Appendix I.) and Solar Cell Approval Form (Appendix J.):
All of it
Structural/Chassis Summary
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