This page contains all the info on the infusion process including:
Background Information
Testing plans for the infusion learning period
Lessons learned from testing Final process outline
Advice and feedback from external sources (team advisors, other teams, etc.)
Final process outline
An effort will also be made to fully document onsite testing with pictures and video to supplement the written documents
Background Information
What is Infusion?
talk about
basic principle
what it’s used for, when/where/why it’s used
process materials
Resin Flow and Darcy’s Law
Resource: https://www.vacmobiles.com/Darcys_Law.html
talk about:
how to use law to increase process efficiency and produce the best quality part
Onsite Infusion Learning (2 weeks)
Purpose: Get experience with infusing a part from start to finish so we can lock down our process
To hit 2 birds with 1 stone, the parts that will be produced during the learning period will be used as specimens for the material testing project.
The document below will be actively updated with new info as learning progresses and will be re-formatted into a final manufacturing plan by the end.
Advice/Feedback From Outside Sources
Also see the child pages for detailed notes on the meetings with the MSXII Alum and UW Rocketry Team.