Since we want to use adhesives to bond many things , especially for aero-chassis integration, we want to confirm that the adhesive strengths are up to our standards. We’d like to validate the strength of the adhesives themselves and also, the shear and impact strength of FRP joints?in the car, including the doors, and all the bulkheads using adhesives, it is important to do adhesives testing since they are structural and thus are very important to verify that they’re strong enough to be held together. We don’t only want to know the strength of the adhesive we used, we would also like to validate the strength of the joints we will be using whether it be carbon to carbon or carbon to steel (these are most likely the only two that we will encounter). This testing plan will encompass all the structural components that use adhesive bonds to be bonded to the chassis.
Tests to be used:
Since this plan is just to get the general adhesive strength properties and not properties from certain collisions that pertain to the ASC regulations, we are just going to pick and choose the general adhesive testing standards that we have at our disposal. This is why I have chosen the following three listed below: