Versions Compared


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This section will include the following (and maybe some other stuff I missed?)

  • Highlight of results

  • What test we are doing (tensile, compression anvil pendulum etc.)

  • Some more specific information we missed, for example, we used our own equipment, we didn’t have the correct equipment so we had to choose something else, something that may have messed up our test results? (feel free to add other things you believe are important to note)

  • Lack of test specimens for the standard quantity that standards require?

  • Link to ASTM Standard summary?




In this test, we will be using a compressive fixture to test various compressive properties of our CF sandwich panels. We are hoping to compare the empirical data received from this test to the FEA data acquired from simulations. There are a lot of failure modes that may occur, there is a whole code classification to them, as shown in the figure below.

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Equipment required

  • Micrometers/Calipers

  • Compression fixture

  • Specimen Alignment Jig

  • Strain-Indicating Device

  • Bonded Resistance Strain Gauges

  • (Maybe Emery cloth)

  • Conditioning/Environmental test chamber



This test involves compressing the test specimen in the following apparatus:

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Figure 1: Compression Test Fixture (insert the one we actually used)


Test Specimen Prep


Only fill out if we actually do specimen preparation/ we change the standard geometries used in the ASTM document.


Raw Data


  • Results obtained directly from the test

Specimen Number

Compressive Force? (idk if this is it, on the ASTM summary it just says Force)

Compressive Strain? (I think this is it)

Ultimate Compressibe Strain?

Displacement (idk if we will actually measure this for this test)










*Name and description of why failure mode occurred*

*picture of failure mode in question*



Processed Data


Preliminary calculations




 Specimen Length

 Varied by specimen


ASTM D3410 outlines the recommended dimensions but we don’t have to follow that.

 Specimen Width

 Varied by Specimen

Specimen Gage Length

Varied by Specimen

Specimen Thickness

Varied by Specimen

Specimen thickness variation at tabbed ends

Varied by Specimen

Should be within +/- 1% of thickness

Specimen Number

Specimen Length

Specimen Width

Specimen Gage Length

Specimen Thickness

Specimen thickness variation at tabbed ends











Post-testing calculations


*sample calcs!!!!*

Specimen Number

Percent Bending

Compressive Strength

Compressive Strain

Average Compressive Strain

Average Ultimate Compression Strain

Compressive Modulus of Elasticity

Compressive Poisson’s ratio

Compressive Poisson’s ratio












We can continue with another table or just add cells to the end of this table?


  • Graphs below this with a description of what the graph is showing




Here, we can just explain what went/think went wrong and how we could’ve maybe avoided it if anybody wants to read this for future reference?





  • Here, we can include our final remarks and what we learned while going through this test

  • Validity of results

  • Conclusions

  • Implications

  • Some Highlight of Results (quantitative statements)

  • Trends

  • More stuff that I can’t think of?