ESD PCB Protection tips:
Remove circuit loops - (loops can get unwanted currents arising from induction unwanted current spikes (and hence voltages) can be induced into any loops)
Reduce line lengths - (this reduces the radiated energy that is received and will result in lower electrostatic discharge to be lower)
Avoid running sensitive tracks to the extremity of the board - (pickup of static discharges are more likely to happen on extremities of the board)
Reduce parasitic inductance around protection circuits - (ESD protection usually works better around low inductance)
On the line that needs ESD protection have 1 diode going to supply rail and 1 diode going to ground, If the input voltage become larger than the supply rail then it will be pulled up and if the input goes below GND D2 will conduct.
TVS(Transient Voltage Suppressor) ESD protection method:
This would require 3 diodes