Item | Who | Notes |
Battery enclosure | Matt Suski |
Brakes | Lauren Elizabeth Hankins (Deactivated) |
Body | Kuldeep Panjwani (Unlicensed) |
Chassis | Angela Chao |
Suspension |
| |
GrabCAD | Devon Copeland |
Action items
- Matt Suski Have battery enclosure team produce multiple designs for battery removal mechanism
- Lauren Elizabeth Hankins (Deactivated) Reassign recruits currently working on accelerator pedal, look into commercial pedal assemblies and collaborate with electrical team
- Lauren Elizabeth Hankins (Deactivated) Investigate how vehicle weight will affect braking system requirements and design
- Kuldeep Panjwani (Unlicensed) & Jon Edward Gutierrez (Unlicensed) Continue work on body CAD modelling
- Angela Chao & Ritu Shah & Matt Suski Continue design of chassis members (evaluate ergonomics and extruded body panel mounting points)
- Devon Copeland Continue work on suspension geometry
- Devon Copeland Reorganize GrabCAD repository with trunk and dev directories