Fill out the Purchase Information Form with all the required information and include your receipts.
Purchase Information Form: https://docsgoo.google.comgl/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdRPXAARzdKyNCapwpL-2FETB9oLdWaJ7K7mvQiGLd7qKKINA/viewformi9hx5SAA6As3djDt1
A finance member will send you a PDF on Slack that includes a filled out expense claim form and your receipts.
Check that all the information on the expense claim form is accurate (address, student ID, $amount, etc.)
Sign the expense claim form (highlighted area)
Send an email to Finance Leads and PMs containing the certification statement and signed PDF
Email addresses to include: catherine.cai@uwmidsun.com, kshiozaki@uwmidsun.com; t46chang@uwaterloo.ca; j294lu@uwaterloo.ca; tmtran@uwaterloo.ca
Certification statement: I , (team member name here), certify that all expenditures in this claim adhere to the University's policies, were incurred by me for University purposes, and have not been/will not be reimbursed from another source.
That’s it!